Short Rant

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I need to rant. Haikyuu does a great job of showing each team's skill and importance. Some sports shows will label opposing teams as bad guys while Haikyuu genuinely just shows them as people with similar motivations who just happened to go to a different school.

That being said, they don't give other teams nearly enough credit. Oikawa works his fucking ass off and is an absolute incredible captain but not one cares that much about him because he wasn't the final battle, because he didn't win. This man sacrificed so much, and the fandom just simplified his character to a self absorbed playboy.
My favorite team is Dateko and these amazing motherfuckers get absolutely no support except for Aone. And even then, it is very minimal. They were top 3 yet got beat by a bunch of first years who were high on adrenaline. The amount of work and practice that went into their iron wall is so fucking cool yet they go unappreciated. 
These characters aren't meant to be one toned, one flavored. They have pros and cons. Motivations and backstory. They're more than being a steppingstone for a main character.
I love Hinata, so much. But people forget that he's not the protagonist because of his jumping, he's the protagonist because this man practiced every fucking day with no reward. He pushed himself to the breaking point and past that. He sacrificed friendships and relationships, both platonic and romantic for a sport he wasn't even sure he could ever make it in. He's not a hero cus he's a twink or an UwU baby. He's not a protagonist for the fandom. He's someone who's real. With flaws and amazing traits. We can watch him grow and adapt.

K thx that's the end of rant

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