🥀(YakuLev) Catch Up 🥀

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A short rant, I feel like Lev is such a cool character but he's treated as a joke a lot. Like "woah, here's this confident tall guy but he doesn't even know how to play! What a joke!"

I mean he's constantly playing catch up to people who have more experience than him. I will say, Lev knew that joining a club full of serious people would mean a lot of work for him. Especially since he doesn't have much knowledge of the sport. But also, there's no way someone can make up for years of experience by cramming all that into a single practice or two.

Lev will definitely become burnt out very quickly and that might cause him to even despise the sport. He's trying his best, and he's doing so well for that.

On another note, I'm not trying to portray the team as mean or bad guys but rather with tough love. They definitely have a good reason for their strictness to Lev but this isn't good for mental health so yea. Angsty fic time.


Lev lay, face down on the floor of the court, wanting to sink into the wood. His bones ached and sweat dripped from his forehead, creating a small puddle.

"Lev, come practice your blocking," Kuroo dragged the lanky kid to his feet, frowning slightly when he saw how worn out Lev was. "Hey are you okay?"

Lev blinked, Of course not. My limbs feel like they're going to fall off. He thought to himself.

"I'm fine, Kuroo," Lev smiled widely, despite the soreness. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick before we start,"

He sprinted off, leaving Kuroo alone. His eyebrows furrowed with worry but he shook it off. He trusted that Lev would tell him if the training became too much.


Lev sat on the floor of the stall, legs pressed to his chest. He covered his mouth to hide the small sobs that quaked through him.

He hated this. He hated crying. He hated practice. He hated volleyball. He hated his height. He hated his inexperience. He hated himself.

Tears fell to the floor and he desperately tried to wipe them from his face, holding his breathe to stop the crying.

"Skyscraper, are you in here?" Yaku's voice surprised him out of his crying, but he still bit his hand to keep himself from sobbing. "Kuroo is worried about you,"

Then a small pause came.

"We all are,"

That was a lot quieter, as if Yaku was scared to admit the words.

Lev just kept quiet, scared he'd burst into tears again.

Yaku sighed quietly. "Lev, please,"
His voice was surprisingly gentle. This wasn't "Demon Senpai" as Kuroo called him, this was Morisuke Yaku, the person he respected so much. He was capable of saving every ball, and maybe he could save Lev before he hit the ground.

The door creaked quietly as Lev exited, eyes puffy from crying. He shook slightly and his arms were wrapped around himself for comfort.

Yaku looked up at him. This was Nekoma's lion, a self proclaimed ace who prided himself on even the tiniest of accomplishments. How was is that this strong predator was so tired, so passionless.

Yaku's arms stretched around Lev, a surprise coming from the angry upperclassman.

"You need to tell us when it's too much," Yaku grumbled but the meaning behind his words was different.

Talk to me when you need help. Trust me.



Kuroo bit his lip nervously as he waited for Yaku to get Lev. Practice was no longer his concern, instead he blamed himself for pushing Lev too hard.

"Your face is all upset," Kenma stated when he saw Kuroo's face scrunched up, "You look like that bald guy from Karasuno,"

"I'm worried about Lev,"

"Me too,"

Kuroo was surprised by that. He knew Kenma wasn't apathetic, that much was obvious but he always had a disdain for Lev.

"Just because we don't agree on everything doesn't mean I don't care," Kenma said when he saw the surprised expression.



The gym doors opened slowly but all eyes were fixed on it.

Lev stumbled in quietly, Yaku placing his hand on Lev's back for comfort.


The team surrounded him, asking if he was alright before Yaku practically shoved them away.

"Give him space," Kuroo said, approaching the two slowly.

"I'm sorry for missing practice. I can make up for it-,"

"Lev, we're a team. You don't need to push yourself so far because we're all here to fill the gaps. All of us have flaws, but we learn from each other and grow,"

Lev smiled slightly.

"Your speeches are dumb,"

"Agreed," came Kenma's voice.


This may be a bit out of character but i tried

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