UNFINISHED 💐 A Glass Prince (KageHina) 💐

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Real quick but thank you so much for all the support on this book. I do appreciate every comment and every view so much and it really encourages me to keep writing. Thank you.


"Tobio?" Oikawa draped his arm over the armrest of his throne.

He watched as Kageyama stumbled up the steps to the throne room. The air was cold and the tiles were frosty. Kageyama's bare feet burned cold as he stood in front of the throne.

"Yes...sir?" His voice was soft but hard, icy. "Is there something you need?"

Oikawa rolled his eyes and adjusted his fur-lined cape. "Of course there is. Why else do you think I'd call you?"

Kageyama resisted the urge to scowl. "My..apologies. How may I help you?"

Oikawa hummed in response and watched as Kageyama shifted his weight from foot to foot, trying not to get frost bite in the king's presence. "There's a boy in the kingdom. A frail one of short stature. He is not from this land,"

"I see," Kageyama mumbled, wondering quietly to himself how a human had even found the entrance to the kingdom.

"I'd like you to invite him here. I wish to have an audience with him," Oikawa smiled grimly and watched Kageyama's face fall.

"Yes sir...I'll," he paused. "I'll bring him here shortly,"

Oikawa laughed. "You better, take too long and you'll both be punished,"

Kageyama bowed timidly and backed away quickly.

When he left, a guard who had been standing beside the throne silently spoke up.

"You're so cruel to him, Oikawa," his voice was gruff and boyish but his frame was short.

"Ehhh? Its not a big deal, Iwa~Chan!" Oikawa laughed. "He's just a servant after all. I'm kind to even treat him this well,"

Iwaizumi sighed and gripped his sword's hilt tighter. "Sometimes I can't understand you....,"

Oikawa was silent.


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