UNFINISHED There's Still Time (Omori x Haikyuu)

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Spoilers for "2 days left" in Omori, it's most of that but with Haikyuu boy-o's


Kageyama gasped for air as his body shot up in bed. Suddenly his blood ran cold as he saw a figure in the corner of his room. They had short brown hair that covered their eyes and wore a formal white shirt with a vest and black dress pants. He reached out one hand in Tobio's direction, his arm stretching until it reached the foot of the bed.

"Tooru—," Kageyama's voice caught in his throat but as soon as he spoke, the figure disappeared.

Tobio shuddered but stepped out of bed and slowly made his way downstairs. Just as he reached the bottom, the doorbell rang...and kept ringing. Tobio straightened his shirt's collar and stopped in front of the front door.

"—TOBIO," it was clear that the person had been yelling since they got here. "Hey! So it's Shoyo! I told you I was coming back yesterday! So... here I am!"

Tobio hesitated for a second but opened the door.

On the other side stood Shoyo, his ginger hair in soft locks that framed his face. He wore a pale yellow hoodie with a black jersey on top and athletic shorts in the same color. He was older than Tobio still remembered him being, and taller too. Now he was nearly at Tobio's eye level. That made sense, besides yesterday it'd been years since they'd seen each other after all.

"My brothers coming back today...so I figured you'd want to tag along to buy some gifts for Hajime!" Shoyo smiled and extended a hand to Kageyama for a high five. Kageyama slapped his hand gently but it was enough to make Shoyo's smile grow. "I hope we see Akira today...He doesn't say it but I know he really misses you,"

Tobio just nodded. He didn't speak much anymore.


They made their way over to the plaza and stepped into the pizza parlor. Out of the corner of his eye, Tobio noticed a group of kids around his age all seated a table, laughing and chatting. Shoyo visibly stiffened when they saw Yutaro at the head of the table. Tobio still found it hard to recognize Kindaichi now that he didn't spike his hair up. It instead now went down to his shoulders and the tips were dyed a bright teal. He always had a scowl on his face and he wore a Sejoh team jacket over a black shirt and some long denim cargo shorts. A long spiked baseball bat was leaned against his chair.

He glared and turned away when he noticed Tobio staring at him. Tobio tried to distract himself with Shoyo's order but instead found it curious how quiet Kindaichi was now compared to when they were younger, he especially found it interesting how all the other kids seemed desperate for attention from him.

"—yeah thank you so much!" Shoyo smiled picking up the order. "There's only one other thing left and then we can head to my house! My mom will be happy to see you!"


After they had finished the errands, they stopped by Shoyo's house where he got a mouthful from his mom. He didn't seem too phased by that and he chatted Tobio's ear off for a while before Shoyo's mom called them both downstairs.

Standing in the doorway was Kunimi's sister, with an anxious expression on her face.

"Have either of you seen Akira? He's been missing all day and I'm worried," she asked nervously.

Shoyo seemed surprised. "Kunimi's missing? That sucks! Oh but hey! Maybe me and Tobio could go look for him!"

Akira's sister breathed a sigh of relief, "That'd be a godsend. Maybe try the local park? I know he spends a lot of time there,"

"We will!" Shoyo assured her.


As they searched the park, suddenly a loud scream got their attention.

"Someone help!"

Shoyo froze and Tobio turned to see where the noise came from.

"Was that Kunimi's voice?" Shoyo asked before pointing to a clearing among some trees. "It's coming from there—our old hangout spot!"

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