💐Just Visiting (SakuAtsu) 💐

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A repost from my other Haikyuu Oneshot Collection

I looked up at my own face in the sink's mirror. Messy black hair surrounded my face. My eyes were sunken and hollow, with deep eye bags beneath them. My finger went up to the moles on my face, scratching at them. When I was a child, I had tried to claw them out of my face but now I knew any effort to remove them was in vain. A breathy sigh escaped my lips. I ran a hand over them, cracked and dry. I felt so exhausted. Everything around me was a sickly gray.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I dug a hand in, pulling it out to read the caller ID.

Atsumu Miya is calling....

The flashing green accept button was too tempting and I miserably pressed it. I had met the blonde Miya twin at a recent training camp and despite the fact that I had actively avoided him the whole time, he somehow managed to get my phone number. Afterwards, he would text me occasionally. He never said anything horrible but he's the type of guy who can piss you off just by breathing. I suppose he was more tolerable than my classmates though.

"What." I asked before he could initiate any sort of small talk.

"Well that's just rude, Omi~Kun," his voice was seductive and deep, probably the type that woman would wish to hear but to me, it only brought back of memories of his overconfident smirk.

"What do you want, Miya?" I asked with an impatient grunt. I could hear his quiet laugh at my attempt to cut off the conversation.

"I just wanted to ask if yer free this weekend?" My anxiety doubled at his carefree tone. I wanted to punch him in the face.

"Why?" Despite the fact that he looks very punchable, I did indeed want to know a bit more about what he wanted.

"Hm? That wasn't a no. I'm surprised, Omi-Omi," I could hear the ruffle of fabric as I assume he shifted in his seat. "I'm gonna be in Tokyo this weekend to visit a distant relative and I figured my dear friend from training camp would be happy to guide me around the city,"

"We're not friends, Miya. I'm hanging up,"

"Wait!" His voice was whiny and desperate, a very quick change to his snarky way of speaking.

"What." My voice came out a bit softer than I wanted. I guess we both had suddenly let down our pride, and in front of an almost stranger as well.

"Look, I don't really like being away from home especially alone-,"

"Your brother's not coming with you?"

"Nah. 'Samu already made plans to visit  a friend so our parents figured I could probably just go on my own," he took a deep breathe before continuing. "I don't really feel safe being alone...and yer kinda the only person I know in Tokyo,"


"Eh?" Atsumu made a noise of confusion as if he was checking to see if he had heard me right.

"I have nothing better to do this weekend anyways," I was really glad he couldn't see the small smile that had festered on my lips. "Text me a bit more detail though. I'm not doing anything if I don't even know where or when,"

"Of course! And thank ya so much, Omi~Kun!" I could practically hear tears falling down his face as he muttered a thousand words of gratitude.

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