💐(TsukiYama) The Stars in Your Eyes💐

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Tsukishima almost crumpled under the weight of his brother's hug before their mother scolded him.

The bright lights of the hospital made Tsukishima blink before he looked at his mother and brother who's expressions were knitted with worry.

He almost looked away in shame. How stupid he had been. So, So stupid.

"I'm sorry," the words were scratchy and he almost coughed them out as he hadn't spoke in a while.

His mother started crying, muttering that it wasn't his fault over and over again.

"What would we do without you?" His mother cupped his face in her hands, kissing his forehead lovingly.

Then the tears came. Quiet tears dropped from Tsukishima's eyes, glittering in the hospital lights. He sniffed quietly, feeling heavy just from the sound of his own dull sobs.

He wiped the tears with his arm, careful not to get tangled in chords. But emotional moments like this can't stay pure for long.

"Kei, I'm so sorry," Akiteru wasn't apologizing because Tsukishima was in the hospital. There was a deeper meaning.

He felt his tongue dry out, desperate to get the words out.

"Why are you apologizing?"

He wasn't prepared for the response. They all knew that.

"They...they said..," Akiteru took a deep breathe, "You can't be on the court anymore,"

Tsukishima felt like the moon had crashed into his skull. His face twisted into surprise and then an expression so full of pain that his family could hear his heart shatter.

"That's..that's fine," Tsukishima grunted as he moved to sit up, his mother ushered him to relax but he ignored her.

Then Tsukishima froze. "Do they know yet? The team?"

His mother shook her head. "We figured that you would want to tell them yourself,"

Kei nodded, his eyes welling up with tears as he felt his whole life waste away.

Now he wished he really had died that night.


Yamaguchi panicked as he read the crumpled note, running from the club room, not even bothering to change. The note had been shoved into his locker, designating it for him.

He read it again and again.

I'm sorry, Yamaguchi

A simple sentence but it scared him enough that he ran to Tsukishima's house. He knew it had to be from Tsukishima because he had memorized the boy's neat handwriting, tracing over the words with his hands until they were ingrained in his memory.

He couldn't let anything bad happen.

He grabbed the spare key from where Tsukishima normally hid it and opened the front door, surprised not to see his mother.

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