🌹(KenKageHina) Blushing 🌹

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This ship deserves only fluff.


Kageyama grumbled as Hinata ran ahead to talk to Kenma. What was so great about that guy anyways?

But when his eyes met Kenma's, he took back all of his words.

That man was fucking perfect. His hair was tied back for the heat, some of it still down in the back. It was a lazy blonde dye, faded from time but it fit it so well. His tired eyes were happy as a small smile adorned his face. He wore a plain white hoodie and black pants but the simplicity just made his naturally attractive features stand out.

Kenma waved politely, to which Kageyama could of fainted. But he kept up the tough guy exterior and rolled his eyes. Immediately feeling horrible but being met with a small chuckle from Kenma.

Kageyama could feel his face heating up but didn't have time to calm down when Hinata and Kenma walked over.

"Bakayama, your face is red," Hinata stated, tilting his head to look at Kageyama who now desperately looked away.

"S-shut up," he mumbled quietly under his breath, but Hinata's face appeared bigger in his vision as he pulled Kageyama's face down to inspect it.

Kenma snickered quietly as he pulled out his phone. The quiet sound of a camera shutter could be heard but Hinata payed no mind.

"Are you sick?" He asked obliviously.

Kageyama swore he heard Kenma mumble something under his breathe but ignored it.

"He's not sick. He's gay,"

Kageyama pulled his face away, the blush on his face covered by his hands.

Kenma flushed slightly at the unexpected cuteness.

"Why are you red then, if you're not sick?" Hinata asked cluelessly.

Kenma almost audibly sighed but just pulled Hinata away before he embattled Kageyama any more.

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