🥀Out of My Reach Alternate Ending🥀

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2 alternate endings. Both are even angstier.


He hopped off the swings, his eyes not meeting mine, and he turned, walking away from me.

"Wait!" I called out after him. I wanted to chase him, to make things right but my pride stopped me.


It would be so pathetic to chase someone who had already given up on us, and so I left.

I walked the other direction.

I heard the screams of civilians behind me, I heard the screech of the car, I heard the sirens.


I felt my legs move but I didn't know where. I didn't know why. This is illogical. I can't save him now.

Yet somehow, I was standing above him. Blood was caked into his hair. He didn't look like the dead people at funerals. He didn't look calm, his body was twisted into a painful pose.

I felt hot tears roll down my face.


~Second Alternate Ending~

He hopped off the swings, his eyes not meeting mine, and he turned, walking away from me.

"Wait!" I called out after him, running to catch up but his pace only quickened.

I ran. I ran and I ran. I chased him through the grey city.


When I caught up to him, I grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop.

"Let go of me," he spat out his words harshly.

"Can I just explain?" I begged him.

He shook his arm out of my grasp.

"Explain what?" His expression was bitter and bore holes into my skull.

"I never meant to-," he cut me off.

"Save it," he turned away from me. I grabbed his arm again but he easily slipped away.

"I thought if you hated me, it would help,"

"What?" He froze.

"I keep seeing this scene. I chase you and something goes wrong,"

"Then why chase me?"

"I don't know. My body won't let me leave,"


"Don't worry. I'll figure out a way, Tadashi,"

I was early this time, the car hadn't arrived yet. I guess there's only one escape. I walked into the road.

"Hey, what are you-,"

Right on cue, I heard the screech of the tires, and I felt the impact.

Red filled my vision and I was thankful.

So fucking thankful, I wasn't back at the swings.

I heard voices around me but with the last of my strength, I pushed them all away, a smile filling my face.

This is a pitiful way to die.

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