🌹(KenKageHina) Morning🌹

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I just discovered this ship and they deserve only fluffies. Also, I can't find any fanart of them :[


Kenma wanted to stay asleep. He didn't want to leave the warmth of his bed, but his boyfriends had a different plan.

"KENMAAAAA!" Hinata's voice came loudly as he jumped on top of the pudding head who attempted sleep.

Kageyama fell less gracefully on top of the two, using the two below him as a cushion.


After a solid 5 seconds of silence, all three burst into laughter. And then Kenma was shoving them off of him.

"Let me sleepppp," he mumbled, turned so that his face was in his pillow.

Kageyama and Hinata exchanged a competitive glare as if to make a challenge.

Whoever gets Kenma out of bed wins


And so their whole morning consisted of the duo annoying their boyfriend.

Kenma normally would have gotten out of bed by himself once they tired themselves out but their energy today seemed limitless and so he laid in bed, late into the afternoon.

"Kenmaaaaa!" Kageyama shook the boy  back and forth. "I need to beat Bokeee!"

And then Hinata came "I need to beat Bakayama!"

But Kenma is completely neutral, and so he did not pick sides. Except for when Kageyama beats him in a video game. Then he likes Shoyo just a little bit better.

He instead stretched his arm to grab his phone which had fallen to the floor, and was watching videos when both Hinata and Kageyama came into their room, presumably to annoy him.

Except instead of annoying him, they just fell asleep next to him. Kenma was glad that they had finally calmed down. But now, he didn't want to get out of bed.

And so just because he loves his boyfriends, he stayed in bed.


When they woke up, they almost immediately went back to their competition, only stopped when Kenma dragged them downstairs to eat something and be productive members of society.

He now understood Kuroo's pain.

The two had apparently gotten bored of competition because now they were cuddling on the couch. Kenma gave in, joining the cuddles while he played video games.

Yayay :]

Also I know this is really short. I go back to school a couple hours so I at least wanted to post something before I probably disappear.

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