🥀(Tsukishima) A Filthy Ghost 🥀

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Teehee. Enjoy my problems, Tsukkisaur.


I don't understand why I am alive.

A one in a billion chance and I just happened to end up on this god forsaken planet.

Maybe whatever omnipotent being controls us thought it was funny, creating someone so unfit for life and running them into the ground.

Whatever king is out there in the sky, do you hate me?


Tsukishima walked quietly with his head down, headphones pulled over his ears. Soft music flowed through his ears as he made his way home.

Yamaguchi had been unable to walk with him today and as much as he hated to admit it, he missed the company. The sound of solitude was no longer enough for him to find comfort in.

He felt empty as he walked along, every sound floated through him. No one smiled at him, no one waved. No one even acknowledged him. He was no better than a ghost.

The sight of his home approaching was the only small feeling of comfort. At least there he could be alone. There, people ignored him by his own command. Such a plain little ghost.

He carefully opened the door, not wanting to alert his family but the happy aura almost suffocated him. His family knew nothing of being ignored. And they would never understand the pain that haunted him with every day.

After all, it was irrational. And if he had no reason than how could they try to explain him.

The short walk upstairs led him to his room where he laid on his bed, taking in the feelings of the day. He wanted to stay here forever.

The world would forget him and pass by but at least then he could free of the flesh that binds him to humanity.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed and light flooded the outside of his closed eyes. He peeled them open to glance at the name.

Incoming call....

Who else would have called him anyway?

It was annoying. When his "friends", his teammates ignored him as a person, only using his for his height and skill. But then again, maybe his cruel nature was to blame.

After his brother's betrayal, he lost faith in people. The only person he tolerated anymore was Yamaguchi. But even that was a thin line. It felt as though everyday Yamaguchi drifted farther away. Maybe someday he would have no use for Tsukishima. Not that it mattered much anyways.

Tsukishima declined the call with a disgusted sigh.

He needed to stop letting these thoughts overwhelm him, these thoughts that made him doubt his loved ones. Yamaguchi is not a cruel person. Why would he hurt you?

But what rational should a ghost have when pondering the ways of the living

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