🥀 I am a Tree (LevYaku) 🥀

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Just some Lev and Yaku chats. This is them as adults and is based off my own conversations so— enjoy
Very poorly written, very short
Cw: drinking, s/icidal ideation, smoking mention


"Ahahaha~ you're so funny, Yaku~san!" Lev slumped over his empty glass of beer lazily, staring at his former upperclassman through silver hair.

"Funny?" Yaku rolled his eyes and pushed his own glass away "You're such an idiot, Lev. How drunk even are you?"

Lev thought about it for a second or at least he tried to. "Hmmm...no idea! And I'm not an idiot," he slurred his words and was rocking a bit.

The other was quiet for a little bit.  "You could die if you drink that much, you know,"

Lev laughed "It's really not that serious and anyways~ no one would mind all that much if I were to die," from his tone it was impossible to tell if he was being serious or not. He probably didn't even know himself, but it scared Yaku.

"Don't say things like that. I'd care," Yaku pulled the glass away from Lev, who just pouted in response.

"Really?" Lev giggled. "You'd move on. Besides, it's not like I have the same value as a normal human,"

"Huh?" Yaku stared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean human lives are worth a lot because they're capable of complex thought and actions but me...I'm like a tree. If I died, I'd be happy to be compost for another one. I don't matter like real humans do," his breath was thick with beer and smoke and something heavier. "I'd be happy to be turned into paper or something,"

Yaku stared at him. "That's a messed up way to think. You're a human being. Even if you think you're a different human being. You're worth more than a tree, more than a thousand trees even. Please...if you do believe that, I want you to get help,"

Lev didn't say anything, but his face got all serious and ugly. "...oh,"

That's it? Yaku thought, That's the response I'm getting?

But Lev continued.

"I'm glad...that you can find value in someone like me. Thank you," he smiled softly.

"You don't have to thank me for something like that," Yaku frowned

"I know...thank you anyways though,"

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