🌹(TsukiYama) Literature 🌹

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Haven't written in a while so here's some comfort of these two babies.


His lips were a bright pink, broken and cracked from thirst. They twitched with ever breathe he took and curled in and out of little smiles.

His skin was red and splotchy, dripping with sweat and warm to the touch. Scars and blemishes covered his face.

His eyes were soda cans that I feared to open, scared that tears would start pouring out like bubbles. His eyelashes shivered with ever flutter of his eyelids.

It was so beautiful. He was such a beautiful mess. His knees wobbled and it was as if he would fall over at any second and spill his guts onto the floor, but his hair was slicked back with sweat in a way that framed his thin face.


"What are you doing, Tsukki?" A soft voice came from the doorway as Yamaguchi made his way into my room.

I folded the paper up and neatly put it in my desk drawer.

"I was just working on a writing project,"

He moved to sit on my bed, next to where I was sitting behind my desk.

"Hmmm....," he hummed "What's it about?"

"Well, the idea that I had was to write about something that is beautiful and ugly at the same time,"

"That's an interesting idea. How are you planning to convey that message?"

"I was stuck on the image of winning a volleyball game, when we're all gross and sweaty but happier than anything,"

Yamaguchi stared at me before nodding.

"Yes that feeling is a unique one. Are you comfortable showing me what you wrote, Tsukki?"


I handed him the slip of paper and watched as his jade green eyes ran along the paper, taking in every word and every line.

His lips curled into a small smile.

"Good job," he whispered.

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