🥀(Mystery Ship) Out of My Reach🥀

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I actually don't know what ship this is going to be either since I didn't plan this but I got inspired so let's hope it doesn't suck.


I looked at the sight in front of me.

A boy lay a couple feet from where I sat quietly, a book in my hand. Blood dripped down his face from where his "friends" had hit him.

Now he lay almost lifeless, not even reacting as they kicked him repeatedly.

His expression was twisted in a mixture of guilt and sorrow. So painful was the expression that I could not meet his gaze. I knew he was watching me, as the feeling of his eyes on my face cut through my heart.

I felt sick at the sight in front of me. It made tears sting at my eyes and filled my stomach with a pain that I had never felt before.

Yet I didn't help him. Instead, I turned towards my home, leaving him to deal with the consequences of his own actions.


Throughout the day, my mind kept returning to the image of his face, beaten and bruised.

Despite the grotesque sight, I knew him well enough to know he was handsome.

He had smooth skin, lightly dusted in freckles and bright eyes that were always full of life. His hair was longer than my own, falling in locks next to his ears.

But what was more beautiful, was his smile. He was a shy person, more reserved and quiet so he didn't smile much. But when he did, it was as if the room around him brightened.

Yet I was responsible for his sorrowful expression this morning.

The guilt twisted my stomach in knots. I wanted to run to him. I wanted to apologize, but my pride was too much.


Instead, I found myself returning to the place from this morning, in hopes that he would catch my eye and see my gaze begging for forgiveness.


As I returned to the place, memories rushed through my head.

We had grown up in this park, dreaming together about things just out of our reach.

We promised to follow each other to the ends of the Earth, yet in his time of need, I turned my back on him.


Sitting on the swings, was the boy, his green tinted hair swayed in the wind as he kicked his legs back and forth to make himself move. He held a bitter smile on his face when he met my gaze, then the smile sank and he turned away.

I wish I had also looked away in that second for I saw a rage flash across his face that made me want to curl into myself and cry.

His lips were curled in disgust and he looked as if I was the reason for all that was wrong in the world. I did not mirror his anger, for I indeed was the reason for all that was wrong in his world.

He hopped off the swings, his eyes not meeting mine, and he turned, walking away from me.

"Wait!" I called out after him, running to catch up but his pace only quickened.


Soon, I was chasing him, out of the park and into the city.

Suddenly a loud screech caught my attention and I tackled him to the ground, rolling a couple feet to get out of the road.

Blood dripped from my forehead, onto his face as I kneeled above him, my hands holding him down to keep him from escaping.

"Will you just let me explain?" I hissed, sounding harsher than I had hoped for.

He glared at me, spitting in my face.

"Go to hell,"

I rolled my eyes, he struggled against me but I kept my grip strong. By now, passerby's stared at the commotion on the sidewalk.

"I didn't mean to-," he cut me off, almost screaming as he spoke his next words.

"You didn't mean to what? Be my friend or betray me?" His eyes shot daggers through my heart and I had to close my own in order to keep myself from crying.

"I'm sorry for turning my back on you. I'm sorry for breaking our promise,"

He stopped struggling beneath me.

"I don't need your pity," his voice was cold now, it reminded me of my own. The sharp words stung more than the cuts across my body.

I let go of him.

"You don't need to forgive me, but I don't want it to end like this," I was desperate now. All I wanted was for it to back to how it was before. Back when we never argued.

He pushed me off of him, scoffing.

"You pushed me away for so long. It's time you know what it's like,"

He pulled himself to his feet, blood dripping down his legs from his scraped knees as he limped away, leaving me there in the middle of the sidewalk, my face damp with blood and tears. The light of street lamps reflected on my blonde hair. My glasses were shattered and lay in the road, having fallen off my face when I saved him.

I, Tsukishima Kei, lost my only friend to my pride.

"I'm sorry, Yamaguchi,"

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