💐(IwaOi) Lighthouse 💐

371 8 11

Am I pushing my problems on to my kin? Yes.


Oikawa's brown hair was covered in a frosty glaze. He pulled his coat around his mouth as a gust of wind cut at his back.

"Merry Christmas to me, I guess," he grumbled as he pushed the door open to the apartment complex.

As he passed by the rooms, he couldn't help but think What kind of people live here?

A man in a suit sprinted by, white hair getting messed up by his speed.

Probably some sort of business man late for a meeting. He looks mean.

Of course, Oikawa was very wrong. The man was actually a kind young model on his way to a date with a former upperclassman. But Oikawa kept up this idea.

Maybe he wanted to do something else...Art? Yeah, maybe he was an artist. But then, hmmm.... Then, he was forced to have a job in finances by his girlfriend.

It was a stupid illusion but it kept Oikawa entertained until he reached the door to his apartment.

As soon as he twisted the handle, he heard a voice from his couch.

"Oikawa...?" It was the timid voice of a little girl. Oikawa's cousin. She and her parents were staying with him for Christmas.

"Hey, Hana!" He wrapped her in a hug after removing his coat and shoes. Hana was young, 6 years old but incredibly sweet.

"Did you have a good day?" Oikawa asked, ruffling her hair.

She just nodded in response.

"Oh, welcome home," the sound of Oikawa's mother made his smile falter a bit but he simply waved back, forcing his smile wider.

It wasn't like he hated her, it's just that she always had unnecessary expectations that led to her making rash and unreasonable changes to his life.

"Hello, mother," he put down his cousin, who he had been carrying and hugged his mother cautiously.

"How was work?" It was a very bland conversation, the kind you'd make with a coworker you didn't know very well, not your son.

"There was a small issue with a rude customer but good besides that," he slowly walked to his room, not wanting to be asked anything more impactful.

"That's good," she smiled, gesturing at Hana to leave "You know, you're wasting your life,"

Oikawa knew that leaving now would mean she won so he stopped, turning back to face her.

"You're 25 and you're not married! When I was your age, I already had kids. When are you going to find a girl. You already have so many fans!" She started to rant about how he would kill their family line.

She knew he didn't like women. She chose to ignore that fact because there's "no way her son could be one of those sinners"

He had heard it all too much but he still muttered the same response.

"I'll find someone soon,"

Then he left, entering the safety of his room.


It wasn't like his mom couldn't enter, but she usually was too busy to bother him past when he just came home.

Tears burned at his eyes but they refused to fall. He gulped, wiping them away before lying on his bed. He lay facing the ceiling, just thinking.


He wasn't aware of how much time had passed until it was dark outside and he heard the sounds of his parents talking to his aunt and uncle. They always gossiped at night.

"Yeah he never eats. Why is that?"

"Oh he's just pretending while you're here. When we're eating out, he eats so much that you'd understand why he looks like that,"

Laughter followed that but Oikawa just tried to block it out.

"But still, we never see him eat more than a noodle cup a day,"

"He probably just eats at work. Don't worry about him so much, your hair will go gray,"

So fixated on physical appearance, it's stupid.

Oikawa hastily grabbed a pair of white headphones from the floor by his bed, playing gentle music in a desperate attempt to lull himself to sleep.


It wasn't working. He grabbed his phone, hoping to change the song when a notification caught his attention.

Are you up?

Oikawa smiled at the notification, Iwa cared in his own way. The words of his parents quickly left his mind.

Yuppp. My parents are gossiping loudly in the living room so I can't sleep 🥲

We'll go to bed soon, shittykawa.


What's up?
You're being weird, dumbass.

What do you mean 😶

You didn't complain about me being mean. Now tell me what's wrong or I'll ask you at work.

It's nothingggg 😩😩💅

If you want to talk, I'm here.
If you're not ready yet, I'll wait as long as it takes.

Can I come over?

Yeah, whatever.


{1st person}

My parents were surprised when I walked past their little gossip session to get to the front door. They couldn't stop me though, I'm an adult after all.


I reached Iwa's house quickly, having driven there instead of walked like i normally did.

My fist tapped gently on the wooden door.

"Hey," Iwa opened the door, greeting me before I hugged him.

He stood, shocked for a little before hugging back. "Idiot...what happened?"

I broke the hug, signaling that we should walk further into the house.


We went to his room, and sat on his bed. It was silent except for our breathes but it was comfortable.

"I...I'm sorry. I don't want to tell you what's wrong," I felt bad for wasting Iwa's time but I just wanted to be with him now. I didn't want to think about anything stupid.

"Don't apologize for doing what makes you comfortable," he said the words harshly but they brought tears to my eyes.

Someone respected me. Someone listened to me. Someone is here for me, to guide me through this time even Iwa isn't aware of what's happening in my family.

"Thank you for being here,"

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