🌹(AsaNoya) Clichés🌹

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Enjoy this very fluffy moment between my favorite ship.


As the team packed up their belongings, they noticed that it had begun to rain outside the gym.

Most everyone on the team had been prepared and brought umbrellas or raincoats so they left with no worry.

Nishinoya on the other hand, had been in too much of a hurry this morning to check the weather.

Asahi and Nishinoya stood in the gym. Asahi had volunteered to finish cleaning the small bit that was left.

"Noya?" He looked over at the shorter boy who hadn't left yet. Noya's gaze flicked over to him, before he gathered all his stuff.

Asahi sighed to himself as he figured out the reason for Nishinoya not having left yet.

"If you don't have a coat, just wait for me. We can share an umbrella,"

Noya nodded thankfully, running over to help Asahi finish cleaning so it would go faster. He chattered endlessly about random nonsense but Asahi just listened.

He liked that about Noya. He could fill any silence.


When they were done, they both grabbed their things. When they stepped outside, Asahi opened his umbrella and they began their walk.

The sky was a cool grey and the air around them was chilly. The ground beneath them sank underneath them slightly. Regardless of that, the two just enjoyed each other's company.

Just being by each other was enough to warm them. Noya still ranted about nonsense and Asahi just listened, his eyes darting down to the shorter boy.


The shorter boy paused, looking up at Asahi.

"I like you,"

Noya was surprised by Asahi's uncharacteristic confidence.

"I like you too,"

The rest of the wall continued in silence until they got to Noya's house.

Noya just looked up at Asahi as they stopped, pulling him down. Their lips connected, warm spreading through both of their bodies. It was a short kiss, light and innocent.

"This is so cliche," Noya chuckled, "The first kiss in the rain,"

His smile was so bright that it seemed to melt away the gray around them.

"Y-yeah," Asahi stuttered, losing his confidence from earlier.

As Nishinoya ran inside, Asahi stood there watching. It might be cliche but just looking at Noya made him happy.

His sunshine on this gloomy day.

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