💐(TsukiKage) Down on My Luck💐

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My seatbelt clicked to unfasten as I moved to exit my car, sighing at the overpowering scent of gasoline that removed the memories of the day from my thoughts.

The sight of the bar in front of me was unfamiliar but I was desperate and too sick of everything to worry for my health.

As I entered, the excited giggles of drunk women immediately echoed in my ears.

"Isn't that Kageyama Tobio?"

"You mean that volleyball player?"

"Wow~ he's even more handsome in real life,"

Their giggles continued as I took a seat at the bar.

"Oi, ladies" a cold voice came from behind the counter "What makes you think someone so famous would stoop so low as to come here. You're all too drunk,"

Some quiet, agreeing murmurs resounded through the building before they quieted down.

"Thank you," my eyes flicked up to catch the face of the bartender who had just saved me.

"Don't mention it," his face was cold but not mean. His blonde hair was short and fluffy, and his amber eyes were framed by thin, rectangular glasses.

He seemed a bit too familiar for my liking but he didn't exactly seem like one for conversation so I didn't ask him.

Instead, i browsed the drinks menu. They all had fancy names—Snow Kissed, Cosmopolitan—yet none of it mattered to me. All I wanted was something so strong, it could kill me.

"Excuse me?" His gaze turned back to me as I placed my order "I'll take a shot of the strongest thing you got,"

His expression turned pitying for a second before going back to the blankness as he nodded.

His glasses fell down his nose a bit as he grabbed a bottle of a sort of vodka from under the counter, pouring it into a shot glass.

"Balkan 176 Vodka, it's 70% alcohol," he mused, sliding the glass to me as drops sloshed out "Hope you're not a lightweight, King,"

I stared at the glass for a second, wondering if I had heard that right.

Downing the shot quickly, I turned to look at him, enjoying the warmth that buzzed through me.

"Tsukishima," I smiled, enjoying the way his face twisted into surprise for a millisecond. No wonder he had looked so familiar.

"King," he sneered, pouring himself a shot.

"Guess were both down on our luck then," I said as my mind began to slip away. All the pain and tears of my life slipped away. Tonight, it was just me and him.

"I guess so," a small laugh escaped his lips as he took the shot, having to cough from how strong it is. "God, that's horrible,"

I burst into laughter at his disgusted face. "You're telling me!"

Laughter echoed from both of us, the sort of drunk laughter that had no more meaning than an apology.

"Are you even allowed to be drinking right now?"

Tsukishima shrugged "They're desperate for employees. It's not like they can really fire me,"

"Oh, well anyways," I asked the question that had been hanging in my mind "Why are you here?"

"I work here, Dumbass,"

"I know that!" I rolled my eyes "What i mean is... What about volleyball? How'd you end up in a dump like this?"

He frowned slightly at that but this drunk Tsukishima was surprisingly willing to share his story.

"I got into a good team, better than good. It was incredible," a wistful expression crossed his face "But I couldn't handle the pace. Everyone was improving so rapidly and I couldn't keep up. Eventually, I left the team because I felt like I was weighing them down. And I was desperate for a job so now I'm in this garbage place,"

I nodded thoughtfully at what he said.

"Well what about you, King?" He asked, pulling us both out of thought. "What's a 'handsome volleyball star' like yourself doing here, trying to die of alcohol poisoning?"

"I had a shit week," I groaned, leaning my head on the counter.

"I just spilled my whole story to you. Can I know a bit more?" He lifted my head so that our eyes met before mumbling a quiet "that is, if you're comfortable,"

I nodded, leaving my head to lay in his hand before ranting.

"I got cheated on, and dumped. I was dating this girl but then I asked her if we could break up cus I didn't think I loved her anymore, but she got mad and threatened me so I would stay with her. Eventually I caught her cheating and she dumped me cus apparently she never loved me anyways or something,"

He stared at me, his normal cold expression on his face but his eyes were exactly aligned with my own. My vision was starting to blur but I saw his face coming closer.

He was barely an inch from my face before he stopped. "You're drunk as hell right now. Are you going to be alright going home?"

"Hmmm? Yeah, maybe," I mumbled.

"That's not a very trustworthy answer." He sighed. "I'll take you back to mine and we can talk in the morning. My shift should be over soon anyways,"

"Thank you, Tsukishima,"

He pulled his face farther from mine, probably because of the smell of alcohol that coated my breath.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever, King,"

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