💐 (IwaOi) Free to Fly 💐

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Fantasy AU


The smell of sweat and beer poured through the tavern as burly men bust though the door, cheering and laughing.

Much to his dismay, it was Iwaizumi's shift and therefore his task to deal with this crowd of barbarians.

He sighed loudly, scrubbing at an ugly, wooden cup as the whoops only echoed louder.

"Oi!" A loud man sat down at the bar, directly in front of Iwaizumi. The man spat as he spoke and the smell that came off of him wasn't exactly eloquent. "Get me a drink,"

Iwaizumi groaned internally, a man like this was the last thing he wanted to deal with. The man would get drunk and then refuse to pay. It'd all go horribly and he'd have no choice but to agree with him if he wanted to keep his job.

"Coming right up," he mumbled, turning to pour some fizzy, amber liquid into a cup.

The crowd hadn't settled by now and more and more approached Iwaizumi as he handed drinks out.

He watched as wobbly men threw gold coins onto the table before collapsing onto a woman...or man, quickly gaining tension.

The tavern was an absolute mess yet somehow, Iwaizumi was meant to keep it under control.

He groaned, forcing himself back into the strain of service.


As Iwaizumi wiped sweat from his forehead, the extravagant fiddling of a violin overtook his attention.

He looked up to see a man who's brown hair was swooped back. He wore a plain brown tunic, with a stunning white cloak. His shoes were worn from years of travel and his pants were covered in scraps of fabric. On his back, he had the scrappiest, leather instrument case that Iwaizumi had ever seen.

He reached behind him and gently moved his bow into the instrument case before shifting his violin so he was holding it like a guitar.

He hummed quietly as his fingers plucked quiet notes.

All eyes in the room shifted to the scrappy bard, whose confidence didn't quite seem to fit his trashy attire.

Then, the quiet sounds of an old folk song danced from his lips. His voice was sweeter than honey yet it was stronger than the alcohol he swirled in his glass.

His voice grew louder, and he danced around the room, jumping onto chairs and sitting on tables.

And then someone cheered, a loud whooping cry that tore through the room. And it wasn't long before the cheering spread throughout the tavern. And as the cheering spread, so did the singing and dancing, until even the most stuck up drunkard was humming along.

Iwaizumi marveled at the sight as he continued pouring drinks to fuel the fire inside the room. He tried desperately to distract himself in work but somehow the bard's face kept entering his mind.

"Why hello there," the sweet voice was accompanied by deep brown eyes and a pale, chiseled face. "Your name, Beautiful?"

"Iwaizumi Hajime," he grunted, trying to maintain his confidence.

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