🥀(TsukkiYama) Poetry🥀

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Wowie wowza, more me venting through my kins? Yuppp. Jakajswjjsjs
I love poetry so much tho so yea


My skin shines like the moon above me
I glow like a firefly for all to see
Destined to stand out forever
Fated to attract the insects of your world.

Daichi read the words out loud, confused. He had found the paper in the club room and while he normally would have ignored it, the writer seemed to want everyone to be aware of it.

The message had been taped to the inside of the club room door, obviously placed for all to see. Instead of leaving it there, the captain decided it would be best to tell the team.

"What do you think it means?" Sugawara asked in a concerned tone

"Maybe the writer actually started glowing!" Tanaka exclaimed, earning the support of Nishinoya.

"It's just a metaphor, idiots," Ennoshita shot down their idea quickly.

"Do you think the writer is okay? I mean what if they're in danger!?" Yamaguchi's voice was anxious, with concern for the unknown messenger dripping from his tone.

Just as the atmosphere was getting tenser, Coach Ukai approached them, signaling the beginning of practice.

"We can worry about this later,"


Practice went rather smoothly, the normal bickering of the first years was brought to a minimum. Most likely due to Tsukishima's strange behavior.

He was quieter, and didn't tease as he normally would. He seemed sad. Everyone was preoccupied with the poem and didn't even notice; well...everyone except his best friend.


"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi started to chase Tsukishima when he was stopped by someone.

"Yamaguchi, I know you aren't very good at English but you're great at reading emotions," Daichi and a few other people were going to go over the poem, "can you help us?"

Yamaguchi was about to say no and chase Tsukishima, but he would have walked to far by now, he would never catch up anyways. So he agreed, wanting to at least solve one mystery.


"Skin shines like the moon?" Yamaguchi repeated the line.

"What do you think it means?" Hinata asked eagerly.

"It's a strange choice. If I wrote this, I would have put the stars or Sun. The moon doesn't actually glow so why?" Yamaguchi asked to no one in particular.

"It could have some sort of significance to the author," Asahi noted timidly.

The group nodded, glad they were getting somewhere.

"So someone in the team...connection to the moon...attracting unwanted attention," Daichi listed what they had so far.

"The only person I can think of Tsukishima but he doesn't seem like the type to have written this?"

"Might have been a prank by someone outside of the club then,"


How dare you hide your true nature
You filthy snakes only seek to deceive
Why couldn't you be mean to me?
Why did you offer a monster kindness?
Selfish, so selfish of you
Fly without me, sly crows.

"What the hell?" Kageyama was the first to speak.

"There's no way this is just a joke,"


"Tsukki? What's wrong?"

"What an idiot," it wasn't in his normal teasing tone, but was spat out with hatred.

He walked out of the gym angrily, ignoring the words of his fellow teammates.

After all, he was an idiot. Why would he, in all his pride, stoop to such a pitiful words.

He wrote the poems, that would be obvious to anyone. But he didn't hang them up. He didn't know who did, and it didn't matter. All he cared about was keeping his identity secret, so he traveled now to dispose of his precious poems.


He reached Tanaka's house faster than expected, having asked his mother to drive him. She respected his privacy and didn't ask the reason.

His sister opened the door much to his relief.

He shoved a paper towards the blonde girl.

"Dispose of them please,"

And then he left, just as suddenly as his arrival.

He knew she wasn't against illegal activity and would gladly break into the club room to burn his poems.

Tsukishima didn't know why he didn't do it himself. But he blamed it on his pathetic cowardliness.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi was waiting in his room when he got home, probably let up by his brother.

"Why are you here?"

"The poem... was that you?"

Did the whole team know?



Yamaguchi hadn't expected a response.

"It's weird, I know," Tsukishima sighed loudly.

"It's not weird that you express your feelings through poetry!" Yamaguchi reassured him. "I think it's really cool actually. I'm just worried,"


"Your poems...seemed sad,"


"Talk to me...please?" Yamaguchi begged.

Tsukishima's head started pounding when he though of his feelings so he simply shook his head, gesturing for Yamaguchi to leave.

"Tsukki...," Yamaguchi took a careful step towards him.

Suddenly, he stumbled back, his cheek stinging.

"Wait. I-I didn't mean to do that," Tsukishima sounded desperate.

"It's fine, Tsukki, I know you didn't mean that,"

"No, it's not fine," his voice was soft,
"I didn't want to hurt you,"

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