🥀(TsukkiYama) Alcoholic Love 🥀

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Teehee makes angst of the boys.


Bullying the person you love is a horrible idea, yet Tsukishima was too stupid to know how else to react.

After all, it would be so much easier to hurt him than admit his feelings. It was easier to have Yamaguchi hate Tsukishima.

So maybe he shouldn't have been surprised when Yamaguchi snapped.


Tsukishima grabbed the long green hair, pulling the boy up to meet his eyes before sneering.

"Why the bitter face, Tadashi?"

Yamaguchi's face twisted into something ugly before he spat at Tsukishima, causing him to let go.

"Go to hell,"

Tsukishima frowned. His words shouldn't hurt this much, yet they did.

"What did you say?" He pushed Yamaguchi back, blood dripping from the boys lips.

"You're an asshole. Did you pretend to be my friend that whole time?!" His voice was loud, something unexpected from the normally timid boy.

Tsukishima growled. (Bork Bork)
"Shut the fuck up,"

"Or what, Kei? You'll hit me? Hurt my feelings? It's a bit too late to threaten me," his smile was bitter. He was confident, high off of the pain. He was done with this shit.

"You really know nothing," Tsukishima kicked Yamaguchi in the ribs, causing him to crumple in pain.

"Y'know. I looked up to you," blood sprayed from his lips and dripped down his chin. His white shirt was covered in blood and vomit.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi!"

Yamaguchi was used to the words, had heard them so many times before but this time they were said which such intensity that he just stared blankly.

"Why can't you just stay away from me!" Tears welled at the corners of his eyes as he choked out the words.

"I admired you so much. Turns out that was a horrible decision," Yamaguchi was starting to see red, he tried to stand but the flash of pain made him drop back to his knees.

"You should have just hated me!" Tears streamed down his face as he backed up slightly, running into the wall behind him. "Then I wouldn't have to hurt you!"

"W-what the hell do you mean?" he cursed himself for worrying about the man who beat him half to death every other week.

Tsukishima's face paled now as he realized what he said.

"Kei?" Yamaguchi blinked, not knowing what to do.

"You know what, fuck them," Tsukishima whispered, tearing a piece of his jacket to tie around Yamaguchi's wounds before picking him up.

"Tsukki, explain!" His voice wasn't as harsh as he wish it was.

"Is your house the same one?"

Yamaguchi decided to give up and just nodded.


When they made it to Yamaguchi's house, his parents were surprised to see Tsukishima but took Yamaguchi, helping him inside.

"Wait, Tsukki! Please!" Yamaguchi called, stumbling away from his parents.

Tsukishima turned.

"Please..tell me who is behind this,"

Tsukishima shook his head softly. "I can't do that, Tadashi. Goodbye,"


Yamaguchi got his answer a few days later. Tsukishima had been drowned to death by his "friends"
They had manipulated him into believing that no one could love him so anyone who pretended to was a horrible person.

The closure never made him feel any better.

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