💐(AoFuta) The Boy Who Spoke With Flowers/ Rewrite💐/

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Mwahahahhaha. A lots been going on in my life but I just wanted to regroup and write this story to see how much I've grown as a writer since it's been a long while. (Like 2 years lol)
Also school starts today so-



The morning dew spun around Aone, cocooning him like spider silk as he closed the garden's tall white gate behind him. All around him, the flowers reflected the early hours as a mirror made of glistening petals.
It might have been odd to some, to see this gentle giant towering above the moss and clovers but his face was bright and his body soft as he melted into the scene.

With his tense demeanor and large frame, Aone scared away strangers like a wolf among sheep. But to all who know him well, he's no more dangerous than a baby rabbit in Spring.

When he had started his job at the florist's shop, his friends has teased him relentlessly but even they knew he was good at the work from the delicate way he smiled when he passed the garden beside the old store. It had become a second home to him and he found comfort within the gate.

In the garden, among the tall oak trees and the rows of chrysanthemums, he sat in a bed of soft moss. Wielding a pair of gardening shears, he clipped a few of the soft yellow flowers, gathering them in a basket to accompany him inside.

Futakuchi enjoyed his walk to school, accompanied by the whispers of leaves in the trees and the fog that hung in the air like a heavy dandelion. He loved his quiet walks, and the solitude he had, the way his footsteps were the only sound he could hear, but he loved even more when his eyes met the familiar flower shop down the street. His dear friend, Aone worked there part time, and he was eager to support his friend in this wonderful hobby.

Their friendship had blossomed because of Futakuchi's unbearable ego, he had never once allowed himself to be afraid of anyone or anything. He was as fearless as he was reckless, but also he understood. He understood more that anyone what it was like to talk and have no one hear you. His voice floated on the wind and nothing else.


As Futakuchi approached the florist's shop, he took note of the rusty metal hinges on the doors and the peeling yellow paint. The building was probably older than he was, but that didn't matter. What mattered was the tall white gate and the white haired man beyond it.

There he was, kneeling among piles of yellow petals, as if the Sun had crashed at his fingertips. He hummed in a low voice under his breath and whispered promises to the flowers, of a future he knew they would have. He had a certain grace as he listened to a bee buzz in his ears. Futakuchi almost turned away, his eyes burning as if he had stared directly at a star but still he longed to watch the garden, wishing for the hundredth time since he'd met Aone that he could take a picture of a scene like this.

Tossing his blue schoolbag over the gate, he called out to Aone. "Aone, I'm here!"

He ran his fingers through his own soft brown hair as Aone nodded to him, pointing to the gate's latch that was already unlocked. Futakuchi smiled to himself thinking, he had been waiting for me.

"What are you up to?" Futakuchi asked as he stepped carefully over a row of tulips by the gate. He glanced at the basket of golden chrysanthemums. "Is that for an order?"

Aone smiled and nodded, pointing to the shop's side door where they usually brought flowers in from outside. Beside it was a small table with vases and pots of all shapes and sizes all along it.

"They're beautiful flowers," Futakuchi admired. "I can help you take those in," he had a while before school started and anyways this wouldn't take long.

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