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Fantasy Au.


Oikawa stumbled over the grassy terrain, scoffing at the dirt that stuck to his coat. His brown leather boots dug into the foliage, pushing him deeper into the woods.

In his hands was an oil lamp that he had stolen from the head maid. She was a cruel lady so he found no shame in the act.

He pushed farther into the woods until he reached his destination. Crouching behind rocks, he watched as three young guards trained in the clearing.

One had dusty pink hair and loudly screamed as he swung the stick over his head, aiming for a tired looking boy who lifted his staff up in defense. Another boy, with short black hair sat by a tree, scoffing when the other two did anything stupid.

"Makki, stop trying to kill him!" The black haired boy called, aggressively pointing at the pink haired boy. Makki turned to make a comeback but before he knew it, his competitor had pinned him to the ground, foot on his chest and staff being held to his throat. The other boy's staff had been thrown a couple feet away and he complained loudly at his defeat.

"Matsun, I was doing so good!"

Oikawa watched in awe as Matsun climbed off, pulling Makki to his feet. The two boys teased each other as the angry guy groaned.

"Iwaizumi's just mad that he doesn't have a sparring partner," Makki held his hands up in a shrug as if to say "There's no other explanation,"

Matsun laughed at that, before Iwaizumi hit him in the back with the staff, making him jump.

"Why do I get attacked for laughing? Makki's the one who made the joke,"

Iwaizumi groaned before hitting Makki in the back as well.

He batted his eyelashes in a sarcastic manner. "Is that better?"

"Actually, yes. Yes it is," Matsun snickered.

Oikawa wanted nothing more that to join them, to be part of that friendly banter. But, his role as heir to the throne made the whole friendship thing a foreign concept.

"Oi! Stalker," Oikawa blinked as the looming figure of Iwaizumi stood over him. "If you wanted to watch, you could of just asked,"

Oikawa blinked at the angry man who dared speak this way to the king's son. It was oddly refreshing. Iwaizumi extended his hand to him and Oikawa graciously accepted it, mumbling a thank you.

Iwaizumi dragged him into the clearing and out of the foliage.

"Oooh~ a forest stalker!" Makki laughed. "The only person who would dare talk to a prince like that is Iwaizumi,"

"Or a couple of idiots," Matsun added.

"Glad we have idiots then," Iwaizumi flicked Makki.

Oikawa snickered as the banter continued.

"So, Princey~ Whatcha doing out in the woods?" Matsun asked lazily.

Oikawa didn't know how to answer that. It had just felt right.

"I-I don't know," he admitted quietly.

Matsun just responded with a soft "hmmm" before turning to grab his staff from the floor.

He threw it at Oikawa who stumbled to catch it. Then he shoved Makki's staff into his hands.

"To win, you must immobilize your enemy for at least 1 minute. Have fun,"

Then he dragged Iwaizumi to the tree, ignoring the protest.

Makki stared blankly before a mischievous grin crossed his face.

"I'm not gonna go easy on you,"

Oikawa smirked, his competitive nature finally awakening.

"Of course,"


Makki made the first move, his fist meeting Oikawa's face.

Oikawa stumbled back slightly but grinned, twisting the staff so that Makki would be tripped.

Upon Makki's quick decent to the floor, Oikawa got on top of him, bringing his knee to Makki's neck as his staff prevented his feet from moving. 

Matsun started a countdown but to Oikawa's surprise, Makki pushed the staff away and wrapped his legs around him, twisting over so that Oikawa couldn't move.

The countdown started once more and Oikawa desperately tried to shove Makki off him.




Makki's grip loosened as dirt was thrown in his face and Oikawa took advantage of the change to push Makki down, this time not allowing for his legs to move.

"Now that was just mean!" Makki groaned as Matsun called Oikawa's win.

"Not bad, Princey,"

"In a real world situation, you need to be able to take advantage of the environment," Iwaizumi scolded Makki.

Makki groaned again, wrapping his arms around Matsun.

"Iwaizumi's being a dick,"

"Good for him,"

Iwaizumi glared from where he stood.

"Iwa, How dare you bully the poor maiden," Oikawa gasped melodramatically.

"He's so cruel," Makki cried, wiping invisible tears from his eyes.

"Fear not, fair maidens. I will vanquish the villain," Matsun held his staff like a sword, only for Iwaizumi to push it away.

"I hate you all,"


I might make a full length story with these four in the fantasy au cus it's fun so let me know if I should do that.

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