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Matthew wakes up, and then he goes into the kitchen, he is very hungry, so he takes some food, he dosen't try to steal it, but Paul sees him. Paul: What are you trying to? Matthew: I'm not trying to do anything. Paul: but you were trying to steal me and my wife's food. Matthew: No, I'm just hungry. Paul: I don't understand why my wife needs to help you, you're a thief, from the street. Beth suddenly comes into the kitchen. Beth: What's going on? Paul: He's trying to steal our food. Matthew: No, i wasn't, I'm just hungry. Beth: I have given him permission to eat when he is hungry. Matthew looks down, he is sad and then he runs into his room. Beth: nice, you made him sad, I need to talk with him. Beth enters Matthew in his room. Beth: Are you okay? Matthew: No, not really. Beth: My husband is not that bad. Matthew: But he's right, I'm a thief. Beth: No, you're not, do you believe that you are that? Matthew: Maybe, but your husband dosen't like me. Beth: it's just hard for him to get used to you being here, and that I want to help you. Matthew: it's hard for me too, and how do you want to help me, and will i ever learn all the things you want to teach me? Beth: Yes, we're taking one day at a time. Matthew: okay. later: Beth: Hey. Matthew: Hey. Beth: are you hungry? Matthew: no, not now. Beth: it's okay, you need to get your own clothes, so we're going out and buy some clothes for you, do you want to come with me, so i can buy new clothes to you? Matthew: Yes. Beth takes Matthew with her, to buy some clothes for him. Beth drives to a clothing store. Beth: we are here. Matthew is a little nervous. Beth: What's wrong? Matthew: nothing, I'm just nervous, I've never been here before. Beth: it'll be fine, I'll help you. Matthew: okay. Matthew goes with Beth into the clothing store to buy new clothes. inside the store, Matthew finds alot of clothes that he likes. One of Beth's friends sees her and Matthew is buying clothes for him, so she comes over to Beth to say hello. Paige: Hey, Beth. Beth: Hey, Paige, it's a long time since we've seen each other. Paige: Yes, it is, how are you? Beth: I'm fine, how are you? Paige: I'm fine, my husband and my kids are doing well, what are you doing here? Beth: I'm helping a boy who needs help. Paige: It's good that you are helping him. Beth: Yes, he really needs it. Paige: I have to go, my children are waiting for me. Beth: okay. Matthew goes to Beth. Matthew: Who was that? Beth: It was one of my friends, have you found some clothes that you like? Matthew: Yes, I have. They buy all the clothes that Matthew has found, and he learns how to use money. later: they drive back home. at home: In the evening: Beth enters Matthew, with all his new clothes. Beth: I hope you will like all your new clothes. Matthew: I hope so too. Matthew is still very sad and confused. Matthew: Can i ask you somthing? Beth: Sure. Matthew: I just want to know what i can call your home, because it's not my home. Beth: I don't know, but right now this is where you live, you can call it your home, if you want to, but everything's gonna be okay. Matthew: What if it's not going to be okay? Beth: let's see how it goes. Matthew: okay. Beth says goodnight to Matthew.

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