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Next day: Matthew is sitting in the kitchen, he thinks. Jackie enters the kitchen, she takes a glass and drinks water. Jackie: Hey, what are you thinking about? Matthew: Not on anyone. Jackie: You're thinking about Susana. Matthew: No, we quarreled alot with each other in this year, it's like that we don't understand each other anymore. Jackie: It will be fine, just talk with her. Matthew: But I have been stupid to her. Jackie: You could apologize to her. Matthew: Yeah, you're right, that's what i'm gonna do, but what can i write to her? Jackie: Yes, what should you write to her? Matthew: I'm gonna write, we need to talk together, it's important. Jackie: Okay, that's good. Matthew: it's sent to her. There comes a text message from Susana to Matthew. Jackie: What does she writes? Matthew: She writes that she dosen't have time to talk with me today. Jackie: Okay. Paul comes into the kitchen. Paul: Have you talked with Susana? Matthew: No, she doesn't have time to talk with me today. Paul: Okay. Next day: Matthew and his mother Beth is at the hospital. The doctor examines Matthew. Doctor: Let me see you walk. Matthew walks, he can't go so fast yet. Doctor: That's fine, how's the rest of your body? Matthew: It hurts a little, but not so much. Doctor: Are you still gonna train it away? Matthew: Yeah, i'm gonna train it away. Beth: He is trying to train it away. Doctor: That's good, that he can work out in the gym. Matthew: Yeah, I need to be strong again. Doctor: I know, you're gonna be fine again, just keep up your training. Later: At home: Matthew comes home from the hospital. Matthew: Dad, the doctor told me that i'm gonna be fine again. Paul: I'm happy about that. Jackie: Mom, Dad, are we going out to eat tonight? Beth: Yes, we are. Jackie: Okay, that's great. Matthew: Hey. Jackie: Hey. Matthew: I'm finally getting healthy again. Jackie: That's good, I'm happy. Matthew and Jackie gives each other a hug. Later: in the evening: They are out to eat, they eat burgers and they are drinking cola, and they talk with each other.

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