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Paige, James and Susana's mother, is calling Matthew. Matthew takes his phone. Matthew: It's Matthew. Paige: It's Paige, James and Susana's mother. Matthew: Hey, it's a long time ago. Paige: Yeah, I'm calling you, because I've got a call. Matthew: From where? Paige: It was from the orphanage. Matthew: Okay. Paige: One of the boys at the orphanage are in need to have a family, he needs a place to live, we've been looking so many places, but nowhere was good enough for the boy. Matthew: So, what are you saying? Paige: I was wondering if you and your wife Paris could take him in, he is eight years. Matthew: Yes, we can help him. Paige: Great, he really needs a safe place to be. Matthew: When is he moving in? Paige: As soon as possible. Matthew: Okay, that's good. Later: Matthew is talking with Paris, about having the boy in their home. Matthew: We need to help a boy from the orphanage, he is gonna stay here with us. Paris: When is he coming to stay here? Matthew: As soon as possible, he is only eight years. Paris: Okay, yeah, you're right, we need to help him, we don't know what need he is in, but we're making him feel welcome. Matthew: Yeah, we gotta help him.

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