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It's morning, Matthew wakes up, he takes his clothes on and goes into the kitchen. Beth comes into the kitchen, she can see that Matthew is sad. Beth: Hey, what's wrong? Matthew: It's just. Beth: What? Matthew: I constantly think that there are many homeless people in the world, who needs a place to stay. Beth: Yes, there are many of them, but you were lucky that I found you on the street. Matthew: Yeah, but I wish that I could give the other homeless people, a place to stay. Beth: Maybe you can. Matthew: Some of the homeless people are lonely and afraid, like I was. Beth: Yeah, I know. Paul and Jackie enters the kitchen. Beth: You and Jackie are lucky to have a home, here with us. Matthew: Yes, we are. Jackie: When will the social workers come? Paul: They're coming in a few days. Jackie: Then I can find out if I can stay here? Paul: Yes, we'll figure it out together as a family. Matthew: Mom, Dad, I want to go out and take a walk. Beth: Okay, take care of yourself. Matthew: I'll do. Matthew goes outside, he goes out on the street, where Beth found him. A man sees him walking around on the street, he goes over to him. Anthony: Hey, who are you? Matthew: Hey, My name is Matthew. Anthony: You look like someone I've seen before. Matthew: That's impossible, because I've never seen you before. Anthony: I have to ask you something. Matthew: Okay. Anthony: Who is your mother? Matthew: I don't know, she died after I was born. Anthony: Was she homeless? Matthew: Yes, she was. Anthony: I may have something that can help you, I have a picture, and you have to tell me if it's your father. Anthony shows the picture to Matthew. Matthew looks at the picture. Matthew: It's him, it's a picture of my father, but who are you? Anthony: My name is Anthony, I'm your mother's brother, I'm your uncle.

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