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Beth and Paul are talking about if they have enough room in their home to Jackie. Paul: Do we have room for one more in our home? Beth: Yes, we have a room, but if we are gonna have Jackie in our home, then the baby have to share a room with Matthew or with Jackie. Paul: Yes, I understand that, so what do you say? Beth: Let's talk with Matthew, and then with Jackie. Paul and Beth goes in to talk with Matthew. Matthew: What have you found out about Jackie? Beth: She will be staying with us. Matthew: That's so great, tell her that. Paul: Okay. They are going to talk with Jackie, Paige and Josh. Beth: Jackie, come here. Jackie goes to Paul and Beth. Paul: What would you say if you could stay with us? Jackie: I would say yes. Beth: Okay, let's talk with Paige and Josh about it. They go to Paige and Josh to tell them that they want Jackie to stay with them. Beth: Paige, we are here to talk about Jackie. Paige: Okay. Paul: We would like to have her in our home. Josh: Okay, for how long? Beth: Let's see how it goes. Josh: Okay, we are contacting you in a few months. Paige: Yes, and then we need to talk about it again. Paul: Okay. Beth: Let's go home. They drive home. At home: They arrive at their home, with Jackie. Beth: We're home. Paul: Matthew, can you show Jackie her room. Matthew: Yes, come with me. Jackie goes with Matthew. Matthew: This is your room, my room is next to yours. Jackie: Thank you. Matthew: It's good that my adoptive parents have given you a home for a while. Jackie: Yes, do you call them, your mom and dad? Matthew: Yes, I do, my mom is pregnant, she's gonna have a baby soon. Jackie: and that child is theirs? Matthew: Yes, but they love me too, i'm also their real child, they say that i am. Jackie: That's good. Matthew: Yes. Jackie: Thanks, because you helped me. Matthew: I will always help you, can i ask you something? Jackie: Sure. Matthew: Did you ever knew your real parents? Jackie: No, they are dead. Matthew: Just like mine.

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