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Help depression teacher: Have you talked to your parents about this? Matthew: Yes, many times, but nothing helps, it's hard. Help depression teacher: How do you feel now? Matthew: I don't know. Later: After Matthew talked with the help depression teacher, he got a little better with himself, but he is still not completely happy again, his friends can see he sits all alone at the school. Matthew is going to eat a sandwich. Susana: Look, Matthew is sitting all alone. James: Yes, he does. Emily: I think we should go over to him. They all three goes over to Matthew, and sits down, beside him. He is starting to eat his sandwich, when his friends sits down at his table. Matthew: Hey. Susana: Hey. James: How are you? Matthew: It goes better. James: That's good. Matthew: I feel so alone. Emily: You are not alone. Susana: Remember that you are never alone. Emily: We are here for you. James: You have three friends, you have us. Matthew: Thanks, that means alot to me, I am happy that I have friends. Later: At home: It's evening and Beth is reading a bedtime story for Andrew. Matthew is a little upset. Beth: What's wrong? Matthew: Nothing. Beth: You're crying. Matthew: Yes, because i'm sad. Beth: Why are you sad? Matthew: Because of everything. Beth: You don't have to be sad, i'm here for you. Matthew: Thank you, Mom. Beth is reading a bedtime story for Andrew, and Matthew is listening. They fall asleep. Beth goes into the living room to Paul. Paul: Do they sleep? Beth: Yes, all our children are sleeping. Paul: That's good.

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