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It's morning, and Beth and Paul thinks that it's time to tell Matthew about Beth and Paul is having a baby. Beth: come here, we'll have to talk with you. Matthew: what should we talk about? Paul: It's about why Beth sometimes feels bad. Matthew: Why? Beth: It's because I'm pregnant, me and Paul are having a baby. Matthew: What's in it for me? Paul: It means that you have to be a big brother to a boy or a girl. Matthew: Okay. Beth: We love you. Paul: No matter what we love you. Matthew gets sad and goes into his room. Beth knocks on Matthew's door and goes in to him. Matthew sits on his bed, he is sad, Beth sits down next to him. Beth: Are you mad at us? Matthew: No, it's just that, the baby is you and dad's real child, I'm just adopted. Beth: Yes, but we love you, you are our real child, so much as the baby will be. Matthew: Thank you. Beth: You gonna be a good brother to the baby. Matthew: Thanks. Next day: at school: Matthew goes to James. Matthew: Hey. James: Hey, why were you mad at me when I asked you about my sister? Matthew: If you wanna know it, I met her on the street when I was homeless, she had run away from home, and I was not mad at you. James: What's wrong? Matthew: Everything in my new home is confusing. James: Why? Matthew: I've just got adopted, a few days ago, and then my adoptive parents told me that they're having a baby. James: Why does it confuse you? Matthew: Because I'm just adopted, I'm not their real child, their baby will be and is their real child, not me. James: Yes, but your family loves you, I'm sure. Matthew: Yes, you're right. Susana goes to them. Susana: Hey. Matthew: Hey. Susana: James, our parents are coming soon to pick us up. James: Okay. Matthew: Susana, I just got adopted by Paul and Beth. Susana: Congratulations. Matthew: Thank you. suddenly are their two people, Matthew have seen before, coming to pick up James and Susana. Paige: Hey. Josh: Hey. Matthew: Susana, James, are your parents Josh and Paige? Susana: Yes, they are social workers. Matthew: Yes, I know all about that. Matthew is not very happy that Paige and Josh are James and Susana's parents. Beth comes to pick up Matthew at the school, and they drive home.

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