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It's morning: The doctor is talking with Matthew. Doctor: I have good news. Matthew: Okay. Doctor: You must begin to retrain your body. Matthew: Okay, how long do I have to retrain? Doctor: Doctor: In two weeks. Matthew: Okay, when do i start? Doctor: Now. Matthew: Okay. Matthew tries to get out of his bed, but he has pain in his body. Beth comes and sees what Matthew is doing. Beth: What are you doing? Matthew: I'm trying to get out of my bed. Doctor: He needs to retrain. Beth: Okay, be careful. The doctor helps Matthew, to get out of the bed. The doctor has a wheelchair, so Matthew dosen't have to go, with all the pain he has. Matthew sits down in the wheelchair, the doctor takes him into their gym, so Matthew can begin to retrain his body. Matthew tries to stand up, but he is in alot of pain. Matthew: I can't do this. Doctor: yes, you can, don't give up. Matthew: I'm gonna try again. Matthew breathes deeply, and suddenly he get's up. Matthew: It's hard. Doctor: Hold on to something. Matthew hurries to hold on to something in the gym. After a few days: Matthew are talking with his parents. Paul: How is your retraining going? Matthew: It goes a little better, but it still hurts. Paul: It will get better. Matthew: Thank you, dad. Suddenly Matthew get's tears in his eyes, Beth comforts him. Matthew: What am I gonna do if my retrain doesn't work? Beth: It'll get to work. Matthew: Do you think that I get rid of my pain? Beth: Yes, you do. Matthew: Thank you, Mom.

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