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Jackie: Mom, dad, we forgot Andrew. Beth: Is he still in the house? Jackie: Yes. Matthew: I'm going in and get him out. Paul: No, it's too dangerous. Jackie: We don't wanna lose you. Matthew: You're not losing me, let me go in and get my little brother. Beth: Be careful, we love you. Matthew: I love you too. Matthew hurries to go into the house after his little brother. Matthew: Andrew, where are you? Andrew: Matthew, I'm here, I'm scared. Matthew: Come here, let us get out of here. They rush to get out of the house. They come thankfully safely out of the house. Beth: Are you okay? Andrew: Yes, mom. Matthew: We're fine. Paul: It's good, that you're both okay, it's my fault that the house is burning, i forgot i was about to cook dinner, i'm sorry. Matthew: It's not your fault, dad. Paul: Thanks. Jackie begins to cry, Matthew comforts her. Jackie: The house is burning. Matthew: But we are all okay. Jackie: Yeah, but everything is gonna be okay, right? Matthew is crying. Matthew: I'm not sure, not this time. Jackie and Matthew comforts each other. Matthew: Now we're homeless, where are we gonna live? Jackie: I don't know, but you're right, where are we gonna live now? Nick and Rose are coming home, they go over to the Bright family. Rose: What happend? Paris: Their house is burning. Matthew: We don't have a home anymore, we're homeless. Rose: You can all stay with us. Beth: Thank you, but is there enough room for us in your home? Rose: Yes, there is room for all of you. Paul: That's good. Matthew: It's gonna take a long time, before the house is rebuilt again. Beth: Yeah, but we're gonna live with the Jones family, for awhile. Matthew: Okay. They are all sad.

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