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It's morning: Matthew is sitting in his room. Beth goes into him to talk with him. Beth: How are you? Matthew: I'm fine, Mom. Beth: I hope soon that you will be happy again. Matthew: Why? Beth: Because you are my son, I know you, you deserve to be happy. Matthew: Not after what I did, I lied, i snuck out of the house, over to my ex girlfriend. Beth: Do you miss Susana? Matthew: No, not right now. Beth: It's today that you start at your new school. Matthew: Yeah, it is. Later: At the school: it's the first day, at the new school, Matthew sees James and Susana, also is on the school. Susana sees Matthew and goes over to him. Susana: Hey. Matthew: Hey. Susana: How are you? Matthew: I'm okay, i didn't know that you also got into this school. Susana: But i did, and my brother. Matthew: I came back home. Susana: So, who are you with now? Matthew: I'm not with anyone, I'm friends with your brother again. Susana: Yeah, he told me, we need to talk. Matthew: I have to go now, sorry. Susana: Okay. Later: Matthew drives home. At home: Matthew and his family is sitting in the living room and talk. Paul: How's was the new school? Matthew: It's fine. Paul: Have you got some new friends? Matthew: No, they are my old friends, James and Susana. Beth: It's good that there are some people that you know. Matthew: Yes, that's fine. Beth: Are you okay? Matthew: I'm fine. Beth: You are still upset? Matthew: Yes, I'm sorry, it's not easy to be happy again. Beth: I know, but everything is gonna be okay. Matthew starts to get tears in his eyes, Beth comforts him.

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