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Next day: It's afternoon. Beth: Hey, guess who I have invited over to eat with us? Matthew: I don't know. Beth: Paris. Matthew: Why? Beth: What's wrong with that? Matthew: I don't like her. Paul: That's weird, because you tend to like all the people you meet. Matthew: I know, but i just don't like her. Later: At dinner: Paris has come to eat with the Bright family. Matthew doesn't say much, while Paris eats with them. Jackie: What's wrong? Matthew: Nothing. Jackie: You are acting strange tonight. Matthew: I know, i have to go. Beth: Don't go, stay here. Matthew: No, mom, i won't. Paris begins to cry. Paris: You're going, because I'm here, you don't like that I'm here. Beth: Paris, please stay. Paris: No, I'm sorry, Beth, but i gotta go. Paris goes home, she lives in the house, near the Bright family. Paul: Matthew, what's wrong with you? Matthew: Nothing. Beth: Paris is gone home, because of you, you made her really sad. Matthew: I'm sorry. Paul: You have to say i'm sorry to her, tomorrow. Matthew: Okay, dad. Next day: At the school: Matthew sees that Paris is sitting all alone, he goes over to her. Matthew: Hey. Paris: What do you want? Matthew: I want to apologize to you, I wasn't myself, i'm a really nice person. Paris: I am a nice person too. Matthew: I'm sorry for everything i said. Paris: It's okay. Matthew: No, it's not okay, i'm not used be like that. Paris: Then don't be like that. Matthew: Look, last year, I was in a terrible car accident. Paris: Did something happen to you? Matthew: I was injured, my body was in alot of pain, and it was difficult for me to walk. Paris: I'm sorry to hear that. Matthew: Don't worry about it, i feel alot better now. Paris: That's good, can we be friends with each other? Matthew: Yeah, i'll give you a chance. Paris: Thanks. Matthew and Paris finally becomes friends with each other.

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