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At the school: Susana and Matthew are talking together. Susana: What are you doing later? Matthew: I need to go in the gym and train. Susana: Okay, I was hoping that we could hang out. Matthew: Another day. Susana: Okay. Matthew drives home after his training clothes. At home: Paul: Where are you going? Matthew: I need to go in the gym and train. Paul: Okay. Matthew: You know that I have started to train after the car accident. Beth: Yeah, we know that. Matthew: I'll go there now. Beth: Okay. Jackie: Hey Mom, and dad. Beth: Is something wrong? Jackie: No, what would you say if i told you that i got a boyfriend. Paul: That's great. Beth: Yeah, that's good. Jackie: Thanks. Matthew drives to the gym, to train. In the gym: Matthew trains hard in the gym. Suddenly he meets someone from the school. Paris: Hey. Matthew: Hey, what are you doing here? Matthew: Paris: I train here. Matthew: That's great, me too. Matthew stops his training. Paris: Can we talk? Matthew: About what? Paris: I know you don't like me. Matthew: No, I don't like you. Paris: Why not, have I done something wrong? Matthew: No, why are you here? Paris: Because I want to talk with you. Matthew: Let me work out, go away. Paris: Fine, I'm going now. Matthew looks angry at Paris.

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