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Beth and Paul is finally coming home from the hospital with the newborn baby. They put him into a little baby bed in their bedroom. Matthew is a little sad. Paul and Beth can see that Matthew is sad, and they sit next to him. Beth: Are you okay? Matthew: Yes, I'm just a little sad. Beth: Why? Matthew: It's because of the baby. Paul: What's wrong with the baby? Matthew: nothing, I'm just afraid that you'll forget me, because the baby is so small, and I know that he needs alot of love from you and dad. Beth: We will not forget you, because me and dad have a baby, we wil not forget you or Jackie, you two are important to us, just like Andrew is. Matthew: Thank you. Andrew begins to cry. Jackie: Beth, Paul, the baby is crying. Paul: I'll take care of it. Beth: Thanks. Paul goes in to comfort the baby. Matthew: Mom, have you heard from the social workers? Beth: about Jackie? Matthew: Yes. Beth: No, not yet, but I'm sure that they come to talk with us, one of these days. Matthew: That's good. Jackie: Yeah, i really like to finally have a place i can stay for now. Matthew: I want my mom and dad to keep you here. Jackie: Me too, thanks. Paul comes into the living room to Beth, Matthew and Jackie. Beth: Is Andrew okay? Paul: Yes, he's sleeping now, so we have to be a little quiet. Beth: I'm so happy that we finally got a baby. Paul: Me too. Next day: At school: James is back in school, he goes to Matthew. James: Hey, Matthew. Matthew: Hey. James: Are you mad at me? Matthew: No, do you get help? James: Yes, and I stopped smoking. Matthew: I'm happy about that. James: Me too, i've been to meetings and conversations about it. Matthew: That's great, where is Susana? James: She's coming. Matthew: That's good. Susana comes, she goes to Matthew. Susana: Hey. Matthew: Hey, I just talked with your brother, while I was waiting for you. Susana: That's sweet of you. Matthew: I'll see you soon, I have to go. Susana: Yes, see you soon.

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