Chapter 1

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Arizona's P.O.V:

"Alright everyone, I have nothing else for you today," Professor Richard Webber says to all of us. He reaches down and picks up the stack of papers off his desk and holds them up.

"That must be our final," I whisper to Alex Karev.

"Yeah, and watch, you will end up with the highest grade like you always do. Making us all look bad," he retorts, bumping his elbow with mine. I just chuckle and turn my attention back to the front as our professor continues to talk to the class.

"I have finished grading all of your finals and I must say, I'm not too pleased with most of you. Only one person managed to get the highest grade and the rest of you...well let's just say, you need to study better. So once you receive your test, you may leave and we will see most of you all back here in January...Wilson, Karev, Robbins..." He calls out. Alex and I gather our stuff and head up to collect our tests. "Not your best, Karev. Keep Studying. Robbins, nice work as always,"

"Thank you, Sir," I reply, taking my test from him. Alex and I walk out and head back towards our dorms. Our dormitories are co-ed, so somehow ended up in the same building and on the same floor.

"See, I told you that you got the highest grade, brainiac,"

"Well, you would be a brainiac too if you would just pick up a book and actually study for once, you big dumb jock," I deadpanned, giving him a slight shove.

"Books aren't my thing," He says, putting his arm around my shoulder, "besides, that's what I have you for. To make me look good,"

"You can't cheat your way thought college," I tell him, "You won't get very far in life if you cheat,"

"Watch me," He laughs, "So, what are your plans for Christmas? Are staying around campus?"

"Unfortunately, no. I have to fly to Seattle tomorrow. My brother and Teddy are expecting me to be home since I missed Thanksgiving," I tell him.

"Sounds like fun," he says.

"What about you? Any plans?"

"Nope. I'm staying here. Maybe see if I can get a little action from Jo. Besides, I would rather be here instead of home with my crazy mother. Who evidently went off her meds again, from what Aaron told me,"

"At least you have a mom, Karev. I'd rather have a crazy mother than not have one at all," I say sadly. My parents died in a car accident a few days before my high school graduation.

"I'm sorry, Robbins..I didn't mean..." he tries to say as we stop in front of my dorm room.

"No, it's okay," I say to him, "Do what you need to do. I'm going to get some packing done," I unlock my door and disappear behind it, leaving Alex standing there. Inside, I dropped my bag down and grab my phone from my back pocket and dialed Teddy's number. It rang a few times, but she finally picked up.

"Hey," she greets, "Been waiting for your call,"

"Hey Teds, sorry it took so long. I had class. What's going on?"

"Nothing really. We're just getting things ready for your arrival. How was class?"

"Boring. It's the last day so we didn't do very much. But we did get our finals back today,"

"Ohh.." she says, sounding surprised, "How did you do?"

"I got an A+. Webber said only one person got the highest grade in the class and apparently it was me," I say excitedly.

"That's great, Zo. You know Tim is going to be proud of you when he finds out,"

"Yeah. Speaking of my brother, what's he doing?"

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