Chapter 34

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Callie's P.O.V:

"God, you're so perfect," I whisper to my son as I gently rock him in the chair beside Arizona's bed. It's been twelve hours since our little guy made his arrival into the world, and I couldn't be happier. Cradling him in my arms, I stare at his little cheeks. I couldn't help but smile. I thought I had experience heaven on earth before, but it was nothing compared to this. To me, right here, right now, this was heaven. He's got me wrapped around his little finger and I wouldn't change it for the world. I don't know how long I had been staring to the little him, but it wasn't enough. I needed more. "God, I love you so much," I whisper to the tiny human in my arms, "I love you and your Mommy,"

"And we love you too," came a tired voice. I look up and see tired blue eyes staring back at us.

"Hey," I say in a whisper, trying not to disturb the sleepy guy in my arms, "how long have you been awake?"

"Not long," she rasps out, "man, he is so perfect,"

"Yeah, he really is," I say, moving to sit next to Arizona on the bed.

"He's got your skin tone," she says.

"Oh, I hadn't noticed," I joke. She giggles softly, then puts her hand on mine. We are lost in our own little world; we don't hear the door open.

"Knock knock," comes a female's voice. We look up and see Teddy standing in the doorway, waiting for permission to come in.

"Good morning," Arizona says to her.

"Good morning. How are the new Mommy's?"

"We are great," I say to her, "you can come in," Teddy enters the room rest of the way and joins us on Arizona's bed.

"Look at him, he's so handsome," Teddy coos, "that is one beautiful baby you guys have there,"

"He's amazing," I say to her, turning my attention back to Noah. He opens his eyes for a split second, then closes them again.

"Man, he's taking after you already babe," Arizona says with a laugh, "opens his eyes for a second, then goes right back to sleep. He's definitely a Torres,"

"Has he eaten yet this morning? Because I can't hold back the urge anymore. I really want to hold him," Arizona and I both laugh as I hand Noah over to his aunt.

"Here, you can have this chair," I say, pulling the chair over to Teddy so she could sit down, then take my seat next Arizona again.

"Where's Tim?" Arizona asks her.

"He had to work, but he said he will be up here later when he gets off. He wanted me to tell you he was sorry that he couldn't come up,"

"It's fine. They're releasing us tomorrow, so if anything, he can see us then,"

"True. Hi Noah, I'm your Aunt Teddy," Teddy coos, "you are so handsome. You know that?" Arizona and I look at each other and smile.

"How is possible that we have the most perfect baby?" Arizona asks.

"I don't know, but he's pretty darn amazing," I say with a smile.

"You say that now," Teddy cracks up, "wait until he's waking you up at three in the morning wanting fed or changed. You'll think differently then,"

"Does he ever sleep?" Arizona grumbles when Noah's cries come piercing through the baby monitor. She throws the covers off of herself, then slips out from underneath me. It's been a week since we brought him home from the hospital and ever since then, he's been waking up every couple of hours, needing to be fed and changed.

"He will, give it time," I say to her, "want me to get him?"

"No, I got him, go back to sleep," she says, then leaves the room. I let out a sigh, then turn over to try and get another couple of hours. A couple minutes later, I hear footsteps getting closer and see a very sleepy Arizona and a wide-awake Noah come back into the room. I sit up in bed and watch Arizona unbutton her top to prepare to feed him.

"He's getting good at that," I say with a chuckle.

"Good at what?" she says, looking at me.

"Latching on,"

"Yeah, he's a real champ," she says, "I just wish it wasn't every couple of hours,"

"Give it time, he will start sleeping through the night," I say to her. I look at Noah, who was just going to town on his milk.

"I think he's ready for a burp," Arizona says.

"Yay! Hand my boy over," I say, opening my arms up for Arizona to hand him to me. Taking him in my arms, I carefully hold him up against my chest and begin patting his back while Arizona covers herself back up.

"You guys looks so cute together," she says to me with a smile, "you're a natural with him,"

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I do," she says. We share a kiss a kiss before a little burp comes from our son.

"That's my boy," I say cheerfully.

"That was a big one," Arizona chuckles.

"I'm going to go put him back in his crib," I say, getting up from spot on the bed, "you try and get you some more sleep,"

Arizona's P.O.V:

"How's it going with Noah over at Callie's?" Teddy asks, setting a cup of coffee down in front me, then joins me at the table.

"Ok I guess," I say. I take a couple of sips of my coffee, "god that's good,"

"I bet that helps," Teddy laughs.

"Oh yeah. Callie won't let me have any right now since I'm breast feeding. She said she can make me a pot of decaf, but it's not the same. If I can't have the real thing, I don't want it,"

"So, now that Noah is here and you guys being over there this past week, you going to move in with her?"

"I don't know," I answer, "I don't know if we're there yet,"

"Zo, you two have been together for a few months now, and you just had a baby together. I honestly think you're there whether you see it or not,"

"Maybe I'm not ready for that step yet, as you said, we've been together for a few months,"

"I think you are, you just don't want to admit it," she says, taking a sip of her own coffee, "so, are you two getting any sleep?"

"Barely," I huff out, "he wakes us up every couple of hours,"

"Let me take him for the night, that way you two can get some sleep,"

"I can't let you do that, Teddy,"

"Why not?" she questions.

"Because he's my baby. He's my responsibility,"

"Yeah, well he's my nephew and my nephew's zombie mom's needs to get some sleep. And a shower. No offense, Zo, but you fucking stink," she states, fanning her hands in front of her face.

"Yeah, well it's hard to get a shower in when you have a newborn that cries constantly,"

"It's all part of parenthood,"

"Don't remind me," I say, getting up from my place at the table.

"Where are you going?"

"I've got to get back over to Callie's. Help her with Noah,"

"Okay, well I meant what I said. I will take my nephew off your hands tonight so you and Callie can get some sleep,"

"Thanks, Teds," I say, giving her a small smile.

"Anytime, Zo," I grab my coat off the hook by the door and head out.

*So, another chapter completed. So, Arizona has been at Callie's since they brought Noah home. Think she will come to her senses and move in? Guess we will see. More to come *

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