Chapter 54

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Callie's P.O.V:

It's been a week since my estranged mother showed up on my doorstep unannounced. I hadn't seen her since I was thirteen and seeing her for the first time in thirteen years, it brought back a lot of mixed feelings. After she left, I never received a single phone call or letter from her and now, out of the blue, she finally wants a relationship with me. She tried coming by once more asking me if I could have dinner with her, but I instantly refused. I had no intentions of reminiscing with her. She made her choices back then, so to me, she has to live with that.

As I was walking into the studio, I was instantly greeted by April. She seemed a little perkier than normal. She's hardly this perky this early.

"Good morning, Callie," she greets nervously, flashing me a smile.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask her, "you're more perky than normal,"

"Oh, nothing, just kind of in a good mood I guess,"

"Okay, has Doug shown up yet?"

"N-no," she stutters, "but he said he will be later on. He had some things to take care of,"

"Okay, seriously, what is wrong with you?" I ask, getting a little annoyed.

"Well, t-there is a woman waiting for you back in your office?" she says, sounding more like a question then a statement.


"Well, umm-" she stalls, "it could be.."

"Just spit it out, Kepner," I spit out, "who is it?"

"It's your mother," she says, slumping her shoulders like a dog that's been scolded.

"What?" about that, I'm rushing down the hall to the office. When I enter, sure enough, my mother is sitting in the chair at the desk, looking around the room. She smiles when she sees me walk in.

"Calliope," she murmured out, "I've been waiting for you,"

"What the hell you doing here? Didn't I tell you that I didn't want to see you?"

"Yes, but- "

"No buts. You left me. Don't you remember that. You told Dad that night you confronted him about the affair, you told him that you finally had found a reason to leave,"

"I didn't mean that, Mija, I was just angry- "

"Bullshit," I cut in, "I stood there that night and heard every word. I've spent nights wondering why, but I finally come to terms with the fact you were never coming back. Now you come up back, show up at my door, twice I might add, and now my work? Stop following me around. You will not have a relationship with me, my wife or our son and I'm not going to change my mind. Not now nor will I ever," I yell. I turn around and leave the office. I walk back to the front of the studio where April was tending to a new client.

"Kepner, can I have a word when you're done?"

"Yeah, I'll be right there," she says. Five minutes later, she looks to me, "what's up,"

"If that woman ever shows up here again, kick her out. If not, you can find another job. Am I clear?"

"Yes Ma'am," she says nervously. I give her a nod, then turn on my heals and head back to the booths.

The hours passed by slowly. Doug had finally shown up, so I let him take over everything so I can go home to be with my wife and son.

"Hi, I'm home," I announce, entering my home, "something smells amazing," I enter the kitchen and my wife is standing over the stove with Noah on her hip.

"Hey, just in time, dinner is almost ready," Arizona says, "and your son needs to be changed," I take Noah from her and give my wife a quick peck, "how was your day?"

"Interesting," was all I said to her before leaving the kitchen to give Noah a much-needed diaper change. After finishing, I head back out to the kitchen where Arizona had already set the table, "I could've done that,"
"It's fine. You said your day was interesting?"

"Yeah, my mom showed up at the label today," I tell her, getting Noah situated in his highchair, then take the seat next to him.

"Oh," she says, sounding a little surprised herself, "how did that work out,"

"Not so well," I say, "she can't seem to take a hint,"

"Well...maybe..." she draws out. I can see the look in her eye, she's about to say something that I'm not going to like.

"Maybe what?" I question with raised brow.

"Maybe you should sit down and actually have a conversation with her," my wife says to me.

"Maybe I shouldn't," a little agitation in my voice, "maybe she should just crawl back to where she came from,"

"And where would that be, Calliope? Where has she been all these years?"

"I don't know and unfortunately, I do not care. I stopped caring three years after she fucking left," I spit out, "she thinks that after thirteen years, that if she waltz back into my life, that I'm just going to accept her with open arms. Life doesn't work that way,"

"I never said it did, Calliope," she says, shaking her head, "I was just suggesting, have a conversation with her, then maybe she will leave you alone. She's been coming around for the last week, so if you want her to leave, have conversation so she will,"

"It's not that easy, Arizona,"

"no one said it was going to be easy, having a conversation with a woman who's been out of your life the last thirteen years will definitely be hard. I'd give anything right about now to have a conversation with my mom-and my dad," her voice getting quiet.

"Fine, I'll think about it, okay?"

"I'll take what I can get," she says, leaning over for a kiss, "now in the meantime, let's eat," We ate in silence for about ten minutes before Arizona got up, cleared her spot at the table to go give Noah his bath. I sat quietly and thought about what Arizona had said. In her eyes in made since, but I just can't bring myself to have dinner with the woman who left me at such a young age. I picked up my phone and called the one person who I thought would be a little more helpful in this situation. The phone rang for a moment, then heard a man's voice on the other end.

"Dad?" ......

*So, think Arizona has a point? Let me know what you think. May not be able to update anymore tonight. Have to get an assignment done for school. Hope you enjoyed the chapter *

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