Chapter 45

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Arizona's P.O.V:

"Valentine's Day is coming up," I say, trying to hint to my fiancé. I'm currently laying across the couch with my feet in her lap with Noah sleeping peacefully on my chest. She's so caught up in the movie we were watching, she apparently didn't hear me, because she hadn't budged to even look at me. So, I tried tapping her once more, when I was still unable to get her attention, I tapped her a third time, but a little harder.

"Ow, what?" she says, finally pulling her eyes away from the t.v. She gives me an evil glare, then turns her attention back to our movie. I just roll my eyes and try tapping her once more.

"I said, Valentine's Day is coming up," I say, when she looks at me again.

"It's still a little over a week away," she tells me.

"I know. But it's still coming up," I say with a smirk.

"Yeah. And?" She snaps. The last few days she's been in a cranky mood which normally tells me, she's probably coming down sick or she's had a rough day at work.

"Why you so crabby tonight?" I ask, tapping her with my foot again.

"I'm not crabby," She quickly replies, pushing my foot away to keep me from tapping her with it.

"Uh, yeah you are. You just snapped at me when I mentioned Valentine's Day."

"Because it's just another day to me, Arizona." She says, turning her attention back to the movie. All I could do was shake my head.

"It's not just another day, it's our first one as a couple," I tell her, I carefully swing my feet off the side of the couch, trying not to wake Noah, and place them firmly on the floor, "But you know what, just forget it," I stood up from the couch and laid Noah in his swing, then headed into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" She asks, never taking her eyes off me.

"I'm getting something to drink," I answer. After a few minutes, I return to my spot on the couch with a glass of water in my hand. The room fell silent and all that could be heard was Noah's little snores.

"So, you really want to celebrate Valentine's Day?" She asks me, breaking the silence. I just shrugged and focus on the movie. When she doesn't get any other respond from me other than a shrug, she grabs the remote off the arm of the couch and pauses the movie, then turns her body to face me.

"Hey, why'd you pause it?" I whine. I go to grab the remote from her hand, but she just holds it out of my reach.

"Because I asked you a question," she chuckles.

"Yes, Callie, I would love for us to celebrate Valentine's Day. It's our very first one and I was really looking forward to celebrating it with you," I say, giving her a small smile.

"Okay, if it's that important to you, we will celebrate it," she says, leaning in and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you," I tell her, flashing her a dimpled smile, "Now that I actually have someone to share it with, I really looking forward to it,"

"Well, actually you have two someone's," she says, correcting me.

"Yeah, I do actually. You and Noah," I snuggle in closer as she played the movie.

Valentine's Day has been amazing so far. Calliope woke me up this morning with breakfast in bed that consisted of bacon, eggs, sausage, and a short stack of pancakes. She even made him a rice cereal bottle for him to enjoy. We sat in our bed with Noah and ate together before she had to get ready for work.

"Do you really have to go in today?" I ask my fiancé, "why can't we just stay in bed like this and we all cuddle,"

"I would love that, Sweetness, but unfortunately, I need to get this album done. Next week is our deadline," she says, getting up from her side of the bed. She hands Noah to me then grabs herself a change of clothes and heads into the bathroom.

"Well, that just sucks, doesn't it, buddy," I coo at my five-month-old.

By five o'clock, I stood by the window, watching the big snowflakes fall to the ground. A thick layer of snow had had already covered the streets of Seattle and more continued to fall. Any other time, this kind of weather wouldn't have bothered me, but with-it being Valentine's Day, it was really starting to bother me. Nowhere in the weather report did it say were supposed to get snow. Callie had made reservations for us for six o'clock and had promised to be home by five so we could make our reservations in time, but it's now five forty-five and I still hadn't heard from her, which started to worry me. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and dialed my fiancé's number, but it went straight to voicemail. When I tried the studio, all I got was the busy signal.

"Damnit!" I grumble, the storm must be messing with the phone service because when I tried dialing Callie's number once more, again, all I got was voicemail, so this time, I decided to leave a message.

"Calliope, baby, it's me. I'm just calling again to see where you were at. The weather is terrible out there, so I needed to make sure you were okay. Please call me, Sweetie," After hanging up, I began pacing the living room. The thought of something happening to Callie ran through my mind and it scared me. I look at my watch and notice it was now six and still no Callie. So, I grabbed my phone once more and tried calling Doug, but no luck. It went straight to voicemail too. Just as I hung up, my phone started to ring, showing that an unknown number was calling.

"Calliope?" I answer.

"Arizona?" came the familiar voice. It was Callie. Letting out a sigh of relief, I finally spoke.

"Babe, where are you? Are you okay? Did something happen?" questions were pouring out of my mouth like word vomit, but I didn't care. I was scared that with how bad the weather had gotten; something may have happened to my fiancé.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Doug and I are stuck at the studio. The news put out a travel advisory until tomorrow afternoon. So, were going to be stuck here. Are you and Noah, okay?"

"Yeah, were fine. Were at the apartment," breathing a sigh of relief when I hear she was okay.

"Okay, good. Don't go anywhere. I will be home tomorrow when we get the okay to travel, radio said there are chances of power outage too," the moment the words left her mouth, the power cuts out, leaving me standing in the middle of the living room in darkness. Cries from the nursery alerted me that Noah had woken up.

"Shit! We just lost power. I have to go, Noah is awake," I tell her.

"Okay, there should be candles around there somewhere," she says, "I love you, babe. Give our son a kiss for me,"

"I will, I love you too, Calliope," I say, before hanging up. I wipe the tear from my eye that was threatening to fall, then pulled myself together. When I entered Noah's room, the brightness from the room gave me some sort of light for me to find my way through the nursery. I leaned over the side of the crib and reached down to lift the tiny human out and cradled him in against my chest.

"Hey, there little man," I coo at him, "it's just us tonight," I place a kiss on her tiny head, then made my way out to the kitchen. I make up a bottle, take a seat on the couch with Noah, giving him his nightly feeding.

"This was not how I expected our first Valentine's Day to go," I say, letting out a deep sigh.

*Sorry if it was boring. Hope you enjoyed the chapter *

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