Chapter 58

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Arizona's P.O.V:

It's been a week since my brother left the states and a week since Teddy has been back in Seattle. Callie and I helped her move hers and the baby's stuff into the spare bedroom at Addie's apartment and moved Tim's stuff into storage for the time being. To say it's been a hectic week would be an understatement. Teddy is now a month away from her due date, and I couldn't be happier. Callie suggested that I take Teddy baby shopping, but mostly for clothes and some other necessities, she will need since she already bought the furniture while she was in Atlanta and had it shipped to our house. So, that is what we are doing now. Picking out clothes and bedding for the crib.

"God, girls have the cutest clothes," I say, rummaging through the rack of girl's clothes.

"I know, right?" Teddy chimed, "oh, I love this?" She holds up a sleeper for me to look at.

"That is so cute," I snag the item from her and put it in the cart with the rest of the items. 

"Who says I'm having a girl?" she says with a smirk.

"It's just an instinct I guess," I say with a laugh. After another hour of shopping for baby clothes, diapers, and other stuff she thought may need, we finally head up to check out to pay for everything. 

"So, how about we go have lunch together?" I suggest, after getting Noah fastened into his seat and the shopping bags into the trunk, "I'm starving,"

"Sounds good to me-ow!" 

"What? What's wrong?" I ask, a hint of concern in my voice. When I walk over to the passenger side of the car, I see her clutching her stomach, "Teddy, are you okay?"

"I think the baby is coming?" she breathes in, then exhales. Shit! Shit! What do I do? 

"Okay, just relax, don't panic. I'll get you to the hospital," I say, helping her into my Tucson. After getting her in, I race to the driver's side and climb in. I start the engine and quickly shift the car into drive and head in the direction of Seattle Grace Hospital. As I drove through Seattle traffic, I try to focus on the road as I dial Callie's number to let her know what was going on, but she doesn't answer, "Fuck! She's not answering," I growl into the phone. I hang up and try her once more, but again, she doesn't pick up.

"Call Addie. She works with Callie right?"

"That's right!" I dial Addison's number, praying to god she answers, which she does on the second ring, "Addison, thank god. It's Arizona,"

"I already knew that you goof," Addison laughs, "What's up? Tired of baby shopping already?"

"No. I'm calling you because we think Teddy is in labor,"

"You think she is?" 

"Yeah, she's having some pain,"

"Did her water break?" 

"Umm..I don't think so,"

"Don't think so what?" Teddy asks, sounding a little more calm than I am at the moment.

"Did your water break?"

"Not ye...shit!" 

"Oh Shit!!," I parrot my sister-in-law's response.

"Okay, that didn't sound good,"

"Yeah, her water just broke,"

"Okay, get her to the hospital and I will inform Callie. We will be there as soon as we can," Addison hangs up and I throw my phone down in the console and focused on the traffic in front of me. I did my best to coach my sister-in-law until we got to the hospital.

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