Chapter 47

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Arizona's P.O.V:

"Callie, are you ready yet? Teddy and Tim will be here in a few." I ask, walking into the bedroom. It's been a few days since Callie came up with the idea of us getting married sooner, rather than later. so we decided to invite Tim and Teddy over to have dinner with us so we could tell them the news that we have decided to not wait and to see if they would stand up for us when we got married in a few weeks. 

"Yeah, I'm just about done." She says, checking herself in the mirror.

"Well well, don't you look hot," I tell her, peaking into the bathroom.

"Not as hot as you," She says with a smile. She wraps her arms around my waist and places a small kiss on my cheek.

"Are you sure you want to get married so soon?" I ask her, wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Only if you are," she says.

"I'll get it," I tell her. I give her a peck on her plumped lips then made my way out of the bedroom to answer the door.

"Hey guys," I say, greeting Tim and Teddy with a dimpled smile, "Come on in," I stepped aside so they could enter the apartment.

"Where's Callie?" Tim asks. Just that time, Callie came walking out of the bedroom.

"I'm right here," She says to them. She pulls Teddy and her brother both in for a hug,"Hey."

"How are you doing?" Teddy asks, pulling away, "I haven't seen you guys too much. How's work going, Cal?"

"It's going," Callie answers with a chuckle, "Come on in, dinner will be here shortly,"


"Alright, what's the big news?" Teddy asks as I cleared the table.

"Well.." I start, "Callie and I were wondering if you would be willing to stand up for us. We're getting married."

"Of Course, we would, right Tim?" Teddy answers, looking at her husband.

"Right. Sometime next year right?" He asks.

"Actually, we weren't really sure on a certain date after Callie proposed, but we finally decided on one last night," I tell him.

"So, when did you decide to do it?" Teddy asks, raising her brow.

"We were thinking bout the second week of March,"

"Okay, that's a year from now, that should work, right?" Teddy questioned. Callie and I just looked at each other and smiled.

"No, I'm talking here in a few weeks," I tell them, wincing as I wait for their reaction.

"Wait, this coming March?" He wasn't so sure if he heard us right.

"Yeah. As in this coming March," I grin.

"Are you serious?" Teddys smile grew wider. Callie stood up and came over and wrapped her arms around my shoulder.

"We're serious," she says, nodding in confirmation.

"Wow, we'd be happy to," Teddy says with a smile, "won't we, Tim?"

"Yeah, sooner the better I guess," he says. by his tone, something tells me he's not happy with our decision. I look to Teddy, then back at him.

"What's going on? I thought you would be happy for us,"

"It's not that I'm not happy for you, Zona. I'm happy for you, believe me. Honestly, I'm glad you decided to do it sooner because..." Again, with that tone. He's got that tone in his voice which is telling me he's about to tell me something that I'm not going to like.

"What? What are you not telling me?" I ask him.

"Well..." he stalls. 

"Just spit it out, Tim," I snap.

"He joined the Army," Teddy answers for him. My eyes go wide and my mouth nearly drops to the floor.

"I'm sorry, you what?" my turn to question, "I'm sorry, but Could you repeat that? I don't think I heard you correctly."

"I joined the Army, Zo," 

"Are you fucking kidding?" I shout. I turn to Teddy, "and you're okay with this?"

Teddy stood quiet, not able to speak.

"How could you do this?" I ask him, "What about Teddy and the baby?"

"That's why I'm doing it, Zo. For them. I want to give them the best life I can possible,"

"By going and getting yourself killed?" I just shake my head, then leave the room.


"That didn't go the way I hoped," I say as we climb into bed.

"No, but I can understand where he's coming from," Callie says, leaning up against the headboard, "I mean, he's got a kid on the way and he feels like he's working a dead end job. So, I get that,"

"Tell me you are not taking his side, Calliope," I spit out, "Just because our Dad was a military man doesn't mean he should follow in his foot steps. I mean, he can get killed over there, Callie," I choke out, tearsing stinging my eyes, "what if something happened to him?"

"Nothing will happen to him, Arizona. Tim is a tough guy. He can handle..." 

"But something could happen to him," I say, cutting her off, "I already lost my parents. I can't lose him too. Especially not like this," 

"It'll be okay, babe," she says, pulling me in for a hug, "come on, let's go to bed," Just as we were getting comfortable, I heard Noah cry through the baby Monitor.

"I'll get him," Callie says. She got up from her side of the bed to check on him. A moment later, she returned to the room, with Noah in my arms, "Mommy, someone wants cuddles."

I sat up once more and leaned up against the headboard. I lift up my shirt just as Callie starts to hand him over to me. I get him positioned in my arms and he immediately latches on, "I guess he wasn't quite done," 

"Guess not," Callie chuckles. She looks at me and gives me a sad smile, "you okay?"

"I will be," I say to her, "he really through me off guard with his news," 

"I know, but Tim is a grown man, we can't do anything about it," she says.

I blew out a breath as I sat there feeding Noah, tears running down my cheek, "I know,"


*Sorry, I made this one a little short. So Arizona agreed to Callie's suggestion....*

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