Chapter 35

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Arizona's P.O.V:

After arriving back at Callie's, the apartment was quiet. Like too quiet. I walked into Noah's room and found his crib empty. So, I decided to check the bedroom, thinking that maybe she had brought him in with her. When I got to the doorway, my heart nearly skipped a beat at the sight before me. Callie was propped up against the headboard with Noah on her chest, both were fast asleep. Her left arm rested under his bottom, while her right hand laid firmly on his back. I pulled my phone from my pocket, then tip-toed more into the room to get a better shot. But without realizing it, the shutter sound of my camera had woken the beautiful Latina.

"Hey, when did you get back?" she whispers out.

"Just a few minutes ago," I say, sitting down next to her, "How long has he been out?"

"I'm not sure. A half-hour maybe. Did you enjoy your time with Teddy?"

"I did," I say with a smile, "did you enjoy your time with Noah?"

"I did," she says, returning the smile, "so, how did it go?"

"It was good. We just talked a little bit. She also said something about taking Noah for us tonight so that way we could actually get some sleep,"

"What did you say?" she asks, raising a brow.

"Well, I was hesitant at first. I told her she shouldn't have to and that he was my responsibility, but she insisted,"

"Well, one, he's not just your responsibility, he's mine as well. I told you, I won't let you do this alone,"

"I know," I say quietly, "I keep forgetting is all. I'm not used to this whole thing yet,"

"I know, and we will get there. It takes time. But I say, we take Teddy up on her offer. That way we can have some alone time together. Maybe order in, watch a movie,"

"That sounds perfect," I say, leaning in to give her a quick peck on the lips.

"Mmm, your lips taste good," she says, going in for another kiss.

"So does yours," I say, smiling into our kiss.

"So, is that a yes on tonight then?" she asks me.

"It's a definite yes," I tell her, "Want me to put him back in his crib?"

"No, he's okay. I love it when he sleeps on me," she says, placing a kiss on Noah's forehead. She runs her hand through his hair and smiles, "look how dark his hair is,"

"He's got your hair, Calliope," I say to her.

"He has part of yours too. I mean, look, the tips of his hair is frosted with a little bit of blonde. He even has your eyes,"

"Yeah, I noticed that this morning when I brought him in with us," I say with a grin, "he's such a handsome little guy,"

"He is," Callie says, agreeing with me.

"Scoot over," I tell her, tapping her on the leg. She slides over to make room for me next to her up against the headboard. I turn my camera back on and turn it to selfie mode.

"What are you doing?" she asks.

"Taking our first family photo," I lean in closer to Callie and hold the phone out to snap a picture of the three of us.

"Send that to me," she says, "I want to print out a copy and put it on my desk in the office. I tap a few buttons on my phone. Once I saw that it was delivered successfully, I put my phone away and curl up with my two loves. With her left arm still secured under Noah's bottom, she wraps her right arm around me and pulls me closer to her and the three of us drift off into peaceful slumber.

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