Chapter 38

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Arizona's P.O.V:

Once I pulled up to the house, I sat in my car, with the engine still running. I couldn't believe that I had just fallen completely apart in front of Callie. I have never opened up to anyone like I had done with Callie. Thinking about the way she held me as she fell apart lit something up inside of me. Just feeling her arms around me as I let go made me feel safe and content. Callie was my safe place and there is no one else in this world that I'd rather be with. Callie was the one for me and that was scary because I know that I could hurt her, or she could even hurt me. Love was a scary thought, but then again, I love it. I rub my face with my hands and let out a deep sigh, doing what I can to compose myself before entering my house. The last thing I needed was Teddy asking me questions. After cutting the engine, I get out and make my way into the house.

When I open the door, Teddy is nowhere to be found, "Teddy?" I quietly call out, "anyone home?" Finally, I hear footsteps coming down the hall. I turn and see Teddy walking into the room with Noah in her arms.

"Hey, wasn't expecting you back tonight. I thought you were going to stay with Callie?"

"I'm going to. I just came home to take care of Noah before I head back over," I say to her. I go to take Noah from her, but she immediately takes a step backward.

"No, go back to your girlfriend. I got him," she says giving Noah a kiss on his cheek, "Tell Mommy, Noah, tell her we will be just fine,"

"Yeah, but he's my baby," I try to object.

"Zo, seriously, I got him. We will be fine. His mommies need a break. So, go," she insists. She grabs my shoulder and begins pushing me towards the front door, "I have some errands to run tomorrow, so I'll just drop him off to you. It will be about 9, sound okay?"

"Okay, fine," I say, giving her my pouty face.

"Look, that look may work on Callie, but it won't work on me. Now, get out of here," she chuckles. I give Noah a kiss on his cheeks, then head back over to Callie's for the night.

Callie was sprawled out on the couch, flipping through channels, when I arrived back at the apartment. She's so focused on the show that's on the screen that she doesn't hear me come in. Smiling, I walk up to the back of the couch and wrap my arms around her, causing her to jump. I even changed into some sweatpants and a white tank top in the time I was gone. God, she makes sweatpants look so sexy. She makes everything look sexy

"Hey, you made it back," she says, turning her head to look at me.

"I told you I would, Calliope," I say, placing a soft kiss on the side of her head.

"I know, I just wasn't expecting you back for another hour or so,"

"Why? Needed time to get your other girlfriend out of here?" I play. But apparently, she didn't find that too funny because as soon as the words left my mouth, her face fell. "Calliope, I was kidding,"

"Yeah, I know. Are you hungry? I can order us some food?"

"That sounds perfect," I say shyly. She gives me a quick peck, then leans forward to grab her phone off the coffee table. After she was done, I move around to sit next to her. She changes her position and moves her right leg off the couch, allowing me to sit in between her legs. I lean back so my back is against her front, and she immediately nuzzles her nose in the crook of my neck, sending chills down my spine.

"Mmmm...I've missed you," she says, trying to pull me closer to her. She guides her hands around my stomach and begins to nibble my ear, causing my body to instantly react.

"I missed you too, Calliope," I respond.

"I miss wrapping my arms around you, being able to kiss your neck," still scratching my stomach, she starts peppering light kisses on my neck. I tilt my head to the side, giving her better access. I gently caress her thighs on either side of me. At this point, neither of us is paying much attention to what was playing on t.v. Her movements send a torturous throb between my legs. It's like I can feel her everywhere and it's taking everything I have not to pounce her.

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