Chapter 4

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"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose....." I hear Teddy singing as I walk into the kitchen.

"Oh God, turn that shit off," I groan in annoyance.

"What? It's Christmas music," she says to me, "And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows,"
she sings some more, this time closer to my face.

"Get out of my face or I'll give you a red nose," I snap, pushing her face away.

"Oh, come on, Zo," she chuckles, "you said you would try to get into the holiday spirit. And the best way to do that is singing Christmas music,"

"Yeah, but I never said I would listen to Christmas music. Besides, this isn't Christmas music, it's noise" I say to her. I may have loved Christmas, but I never liked listening to the music that came with the holiday. The music always drove me nuts.

"But what's Christmas without the Christmas music," she pouts. I roll my eyes again at her.

"Whatever. So, what time is everyone going to be here?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Party starts at 6," she says continuing to do whatever she was doing before I walked into the room.

"Who's all coming?"

"I'm assuming it would be April, Mark, Owen and whoever else wants to come, I guess,"

"Mark? Seriously? You invited Mark?" I groan.

"Tim did. I had nothing to do with it. Besides what do you have against Mark?"

"He's a womanizer. I heard he slept with all the cheerleaders back in high school,"

"Where did you hear that?"

"From everyone," I say to her, jumping up onto the counter.

"You know, some people lie," she says looking at me with a raised brow.

"Come on, it's Mark Sloan, do you really think women would lie about being with the Golden boy of Seattle Grace High School?"

"Kind of, especially if they're dying to fit in and want to join the popular crowd,"

"Whatever. I'm just repeating what I heard is all," I say to her, popping a peanut in my mouth.

"Why don't you get down and help me get the food ready for the party,"

"It's your party, not mine," I snort out. I jumped down from my spot on the counter and began helping Teddy get the food ready for our Christmas party.

After spending hours getting food made and everything set up, it was finally time to party. Of course, the one person who had to arrive first was Mark freaking Sloan.

"The party has arrived," Mark announces, rushing into the kitchen. I just roll my eyes at his announcement, which doesn't go unnoticed by Teddy because she leans over to whisper in my ear.

"Be nice," she whispers. I plaster a fake smile on my face and pretended to be happy that he was able to make it.

"Sorry, Mark, but you're about three days too late. Party arrived three days ago," I joke.

"What? What do you mean? Did I miss the Christmas Party? I was told it was tonight?" Teddy and I just looked at each other and shrugged. Is he really that stupid?

"No, Mark, party is tonight," Teddy assures him, "Arizona was trying to joke and say that she was the party and that she arrived a few days ago,"

"Oh, well okay then, glad I didn't miss it," he says with a chuckle, "Glad to see that you were able to make it home, Blondie. It's good to see you," He pulls me into a tight hug.

"Yeah, glad to see you too, Mark," I say sarcastically, which earns me an elbow to the ribs. He pulls away and just stares me up and down like I was a piece of meat or something. I could've sworn his eyes had stopped right on my boobs.

"What are you staring at?" I ask, crossing my arms. He jerks back up where we were eye to eye. I could see a slight blush form on his cheeks.

"Nothing," he says quickly. He knew he got caught and was trying to hide it, "I was just..."

"Staring at my boobs?" I finish.

"N-No, of course not," He stutters.

"Uh huh, sure," I say shaking my head.

"Okay, maybe I was. But I can't help it, Blondie. You're hot," I just shake my head once more.

"Pig," I whisper in his ear as I walk out of the room.

Our party was in full swing an hour an a half later. Everyone we knew showed up and had split up between rooms and some even went and hung outside in 30-degree weather. Everyone was mingling over food and music; I even saw a few people playing cards as well. The way everyone's night was going, with the dancing and drinking, it felt more like a frat party than a Christmas party, but I wasn't complaining. By the time 11 p.m. rolled around, everyone seemed to have a little buzz going on or were flat out drunk. Except for Teddy and I since she and I would be doing most of the cleanup for a good part of the night to get our house back to normal for Christmas tomorrow. Teddy and I were having our own little conversation when Tim decided to join us.

"Having fun?" Tim asks, putting his arm around Teddy and giving her a kiss on the temple.

"I guess you can say that" I reply to him, "But aren't we supposed to have made a big dinner and we sit around the dinner table?"

"No way, this is actually how a Christmas party is supposed to be, Sis,"

"Whatever, and do me a favor, next time you decide to throw a frat party like this, please tell your buddy old pal Mark Sloan to stop staring at my boobs,"

"He wasn't staring at your boobs, Zo. He's staring at you, he likes you," he says chuckling.

"He likes what's on my chest, Timothy Daniel. Besides, he's barking up the wrong tree,"

"Is that really a bad thing? I mean guys like boobs, Zo. Nothing wrong with that,"

"It is when the guy is a pig. He really needs to stop. I've been trying everything I can since puberty started to avoid the boob staring guy, and biology even helped me by making me gay,"

"What does that have to do with anything? Either way, you're going to have men or women staring at your boobs,"

"I know that, but I don't want my brother's best friend, who's also a man whore, staring at them. SO, can you please tell him to knock it off before I hit him with a brick?"

"Fine, I'll say something, geez," he says, then walks off in Marks direction.

The party finally came to an end around one o'clock. I must say, it was a success. With it being so late, Teddy and I decided to save the clean up for in the morning. After checking to make sure everything was locked up, we made our way to our own rooms for the night. 

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