Chapter 33

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Arizona's P.O.V:

I never thought I'd be so happy when September had finally arrived. I'm now two weeks away from my due date. Since the baby shower three weeks ago, Callie and Tim had been working hard, not only on my room but on Callie's extra bedroom as well to make sure everything was done for when baby Robbins-Torres arrived. While they got all the furniture put together, Teddy and I had managed to get all the new baby clothes washed, dried, and folded. I even got into one of my moods and decided to rearrange our living room. Callie was a little pissed when she heard that I moved everything myself, but Teddy assured her that it was okay and that it was normal for women to do that sort of thing, especially this close to delivery. Once we got everything done, we decided to chill out for the night and watch a movie and relax. Which was fine by me since I had felt crampy off and on all day. So, here we are, sitting on her bed, watching Halloween. Which I absolutely hated. I leaned back against her headboard, doing everything in my power to get comfortable, but nothing worked. I have shifted positions so many times, it was starting to really frustrate me. I shifted once more just asTeddy walked back into the bedroom with our snacks and drinks.

"Can't you ever sit still?" she says, handing me the glass.

"Thank you," I say, taking a sip. I tried to shift again, to see if that would help, but it only frustrated the both of us even more.

"Dude, stop moving so much," she snaps.

"I can't help it, Teddy," I say, giving her an evil glare, "I have been trying to get comfortable since the movie fucking started and no matter how I sit, I can't get comfortable,"

"If you keep moving, you're going to end up dumping your water all over both of us,"

"Then tell him to get out already," I growl.

"She will come out when she's ready, Arizona. Just give her some time. She still has two weeks left. Now sit still and watch the damn movie. Oh, I love this part," she squeals, turning her attention back to the movie.

"He should be ready now. I mean, come on, he literally dropped into position two weeks ago. What the fuck is taking him so long?"

"Look, as I said, she will be here when she's ready, now chill out. God, you've been so whiny lately. And you actually do look uncomfortable," She laughs, putting a couple of pieces of popcorn in her mouth.

"I am fucking uncomfortable," I snap, changing positions again, "And it shouldn't be up to him. He's not that one who has to deal with getting kicked in the ribs or having to pee every five minutes,"

My sister-in-law just looks at me and laughs. I'm glad she finds this all funny because I sure the hell don't. I can't wait until she and Tim decide to have a baby in a few years, then I can laugh at her.

"This isn't fucking funny. It fucking hurts. I can't sleep anymore, and every time I try, I get kicked in the ribs. It's like he has radar. and the other day, when Callie and I were watching a movie, he lodged himself up into my ribs. It hurt so bad that Callie thought I was in labor because of the way I was breathing. He about gave her a heart attack,"

"Look, it's all part of pregnancy, Arizona. Nothing you can do right now. You just have to deal with it until she arrives. Now, do us both a favor by shutting up and watch this movie?"

"Oh, screw the fucking movie," I say, crossing my arms. I looked back at the screen and tried focusing on the movie.

"I thought Callie was coming over to watch this with us,"

"She was going to, but something happened at work, so Doug asked if she could come in,"

"At 8:45 at night?" she asks, raising her brow.

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