Chapter 50

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Arizona's P.O.V:

I stare quietly at the coffee pot, wishing it would brew a little faster. The weekend had been amazing for Callie and me. But it was now Monday, which meant it was time to get back to reality. My brother was leaving for Boot Camp today. He's leaving me, his wife, and his unborn child to go off and save the world in the most dangerous way and there's no stopping him. My eyes started tearing up just thinking about what could happen to him. I'm quickly pulled from my thoughts when I hear footsteps coming toward the kitchen.

"Hey, coffee ready yet?" I hear Callie's voice. I quickly wipe my eyes and clear my throat, hoping she won't notice.

"Almost, but it's taking forever," I say, turning around to face her. I give her a warm smile which she returns.

"You okay?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Great actually," I say, trying to force another smile.

"Really? Because you don't sound okay. You sound like you are on the verge of tears," and just like that, tears begin to run down my cheeks and my lips start to quiver, "oh, baby, come here?" She pulls me into a tight hug and I just fall apart, "he's going to be fine,"

"You don't know that, Callie," I sob into her chest. She holds me close to her, trying her best to calm me down, "I don't want to lose him too. He's all I have left,"

"You have me, you have Teddy and Noah," she says, running her hands through my hair.

"You know what I mean," I say, pulling out of her embrace.

"Everything will be fine and he will come back in one piece. I promise,"

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Calliope," I snap, turning around and grabbing two coffee cups from the cabinet.

Almost an hour later, we're pulling into the driveway of Tim and Teddy's to pick up Noah and take Tim to the airport. Teddy called us last night asking if they could keep Noah one more night because Tim wanted more time with him before he left. Which was fine because it also gave us more time as well to enjoy our honeymoon phase. We sat in the car for a few minutes so I could collect myself before falling apart once more.

"You ready?" Callie asks, cutting the engine.

"Not really, but let's go," I say, unbuckling my seatbelt. We got out of the car and headed up to the door. It was unlocked so we just walked in. Tim and Teddy were sitting at the kitchen table with Noah, who was wide awake.

"Hey guys," Tim greets with a smile.

"Hey," was the only thing I could say. Tim gets up from the table and tries to pull me into a hug, but I just take a step back, "no, because if you hug me, I'm going to fall apart again,"

"What do you mean again?" he asks. He looks at me, then at Callie.

"Yeah, she lost it this morning in the kitchen," Callie tells him, rubbing my back. Tim looks at me with a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry, Zo. I have to do this. I need...."

"No, you don't have to do this. You want to do this. You have a choice, Tim," I spit out harshly. I walk past him and take Noah from Teddy. I hold him close to me and snuggle him. The room fell quiet for what seemed like hours before Callie finally spoke up.

"What time does your flight leave?" Callie asks.

"Here in a couple of hours," he says, letting out a sigh, "I'm going to go grab the rest of our stuff," Tim walks away, leaving the four of us in the kitchen.

"What does he mean, 'our stuff'?" I ask, looking at Teddy, but she doesn't answer.

"Teddy?" I say a little louder.

"Let's wait for Tim," she says quietly. She shifts uncomfortably in her chair, which means that she has something to say, but won't say it.

"I'm going to go put my stuff in the car," he says, then leaves us once more.

"When Tim comes back in, we need to tell you something," Teddy says, standing up from her chair. A moment later, Tim walks back in and moves to stand next to his wife.

"What's going on?" I ask both of them.

"You didn't tell her yet?" he asks her.

"Not yet, I wanted to tell them together,"

"Someone want to tell me what's going on? Before I lose my damn mind," I snap.

"Teddy is going with me," he says.

"She's what?" I ask him.

"Teddy is going with me. She's going to rent an apartment nearby. So when I get free time, I'll be able to visit her,"

"And when did you guys decide this?" came my next question.

"Saturday night," she spoke up, "that's why I called and asked if we could keep Noah one more night,"

"I don't fucking believe this," I yell out, startling Noah, "my best friend is leaving me too,"

"We're not leaving you, Zo. It will be only for ten weeks, then after graduation, we will be back for a few weeks on leave before I get shipped off," Tim cuts in.

"There is actually one more thing," Teddy pops off.

"What?" Tim and Teddy look at each other, then back at Callie and me.

"The house is yours. We signed it over to you Saturday night," she says.

"You what?" Callie and I say together in unison.

"We signed the house over to you. Movers are supposed to be here tomorrow to take everything to storage and once you finalize everything, you can move your stuff in from the apartment...But we did tell them not to touch your room. We'll let you decide on what you want to do with that since Noah's stuff is in there," I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They are actually giving us the house. I had thoughts of talking to Callie about us getting a house, someplace bigger in case we decided to have another baby, but this was not what I had expected.

"Welcome home, you two," Teddy says with a smile.

Callie's P.O.V:

The fifteen-minute drive to the airport was quiet. After what just took place at the house, no one had much to really say. I kept glancing over at Arizona for any kind of hints but kept coming up empty. She remained quiet. Pulling up to the departure terminal, I climbed out and helped Tim unload their stuff from the back. Arizona grabbed Noah from his car seat and we all stood outside the terminal, saying our final goodbyes.

"You guys take care of yourself," Tim says, giving each of us a hug. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a little tear run down my wife's face, "Callie, make sure you take care of my sister,"

"I will. I promise," I say, pulling Arizona close to me, and placing a kiss on her cheek. He looks over to Arizona with a smile.

"Sis, make sure you take care of Callie, also. and my nephew,"

"I will," she says quietly. Tim gives us one last hug and gives Noah a kiss on his head. Teddy steps up and mimics Tim's actions, giving each of us a hug and placing a kiss on Noah's head.

"We will call you when we land," she says, wiping away a tear. Tim grabs their bags and we stand there and watch as the couple walk into the terminal for check-in. When I turn to my wife, her body began to shake. I knew she was about to lose it. I wrapped my arms around her and Noah and held them close as my wife sobbed into my chest, the same exact way she did this morning.

"It will be okay," I whisper. 

*So, we didn't see that coming. Teddy decided to go with Tim instead of staying in Seattle. Let me know what you think. Next chapter will have a time jump. I don't want to drag anything out too much. Also, I will be updating Military Love as soon as I can, I'm just having a hard time with one of the chapters. * 

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