Chapter 60

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Arizona's P.O.V:

After being wakened out of dead sleep, not knowing what had actually had woken me up, I sat up in bed and looked over at the clock on my nightstand and noticed it was almost five in the morning. I had three hours before I had to be in class.  I knew I was not going to be able to get back to sleep. My stomach feeling a little uneasy, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and sat up for a couple of minutes, then it hit me. Rushing to the bathroom, I lean over the toilet and emptied the contents of my stomach. I hear shuffling on the other side, then hear my wife's voice.

"Arizona," came Callie's voice on the other side of the door, "Baby, are you okay?" I didn't want Callie to see me sick, so I rested my back against the cold wall of the room. "Yeah, I'm fine, Cal." I lie, trying to cover up the shakiness in my voice. "Just go back to..." before I could finish my sentence, I found myself leaning over and emptying my stomach once more. By that time, Callie must have heard me, because the bathroom door opens. When she saw me bent over the toilet still, she rushes to my side, "Oh sweetie, why didn't you tell me you were sick," She asks, grabbing a washcloth from the cabinet. She ran it under cool water, then knelt down beside me.

"It just hit me all at once," I tell her, leaning my head on her shoulder, "I sat up in bed because I felt dizzy, then it just hit me out of nowhere."

"Do you need anything?" She asks, "I can get you something,"

"No, it's okay," I tell her, "Thank you though. I just need to lay back down. My first class is at 8,"

"I think you should stay home," she says, "you shouldn't be going to class if you're sick, babe,"

"I can't stay home, Callie. It's my first day of class. They will drop me if I'm not in class," I tell her, "I'll be fine. I'll take something to calm my stomach,"

Since I was unable to get back to sleep, I decided to get a shower than made sure I had everything I needed for my first day of class. 

"You have everything?" I hear my wife ask. I do a mental check making sure before replying.

"Yeah, I think so," I say to her. I lay my bag down on the table then walk over to the coffee pot and pour myself a travel mug full of coffee. 

"You excited?" 

"I'm more nervous than excited," I say after making my coffee the way I like it. Callie steps closer to me and wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me close.

"You'll do great," she says, leaning in for a kiss. 

"I hope so," I say, "I better get going. Are you taking Noah to the new daycare at the record label today?"

"Yeah, figure we will give it a test run," she chuckled, "what time you done with class?"

"I should be done around 3. I'll just pick him up from over there then on my way home,"

"Okay, sounds good. Knock them dead babe," Callie says, giving me one last kiss.

"I will. Give Noah kisses for me," I say, before heading out the door. 


Callie's P.O.V:

Later on, that evening, as I pull up to the house, I noticed Arizona's Tucson parked in the drive. A smile crossed my face, knowing that my wife had made it home safely from her picking up Noah after her first day of class. Grabbing the pizzas I had picked up on my way home, I got out of the car and made my way up to the house. As I entered the home, all I was met with was silence.

"Arizona?" I call out. When I didn't get a reply, I walked into the kitchen to put the pizzas on the counter then went upstairs to look for my family. "Arizona," I call once more as I got to the end of the hallway. I walked over to Noah's door but hearing the t.v from mine and Arizona's room made me rethink my steps. I push the door open quietly that to my room that way I didn't wake her in case she was asleep and poked my head in. The sight before me took my breath away. Arizona was propped up against the headboard, her right hand holding her textbook up in her lap with Noah curled up on her left fast asleep. I noticed she was deep in her textbook so I quietly pull my phone out and moved further in to snap a picture. The sound of the shutter caught her attention and I was greeted with a dimpled smile.

"Hey," she whispers out.

"Hey yourself, how was your first day of class? I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see you when you picked Noah up today," I say moving closer to her. 

"It was good. All we did was go over the syllabus and all that other boring junk," She says with a shrug.

"Well, that's good. I brought dinner home. It's out on the kitchen counter. Did you want me to move him to his crib?" She looks down at the sleeping Noah next to her then back at me.

"Nah, it's okay. He'll probably wake up here in a minute to eat," Just as the words left her mouth, Noah began to stir. A second later, his eyes popped open.

"Hey little man, you hungry?" I ask, reaching to pick up the sleepy baby, "What about you, babe, you hungry?"

"Yeah, I'm starving. I had a small lunch in between classes today, but oddly, that didn't settle well with my stomach,"  She tells me, standing up from the bed.

"Huh, weird. It could've been just nerves. I mean, after all it's the first day of class," I tell her, bouncing Noah on my hip. He just lets out a little squeal in return. I let out a chuckle, "See, even our son agrees,"

Entering the kitchen, I place Noah in his high chair, then making my way over to grab plates from the cabinet.

"So, do you have a lot of homework tonight?" I ask her as I come back to the table.

"Not really. Just some reading. Real homework probably won't start until next week,"

"So that means we can have a movie night tonight?" I ask her, coming back to the table, then moving to stand in front of her. She grabs ahold of my shirt and pulls me close to her, our lips barely touching.

"After my reading is done," she whispers to me. I give her a small pout which causes her to chuckle, "besides, I was thinking of something else besides a movie,"

"Oh, and what would that be?" I ask her curiously, pretending to think. I already knew what she was getting at, but I just wanted to hear her say it.

"Well, it involves a bed, and both of us naked," She says seductively, which causes goosebumps to form.

"Hmmm...sleeping naked? That sounds like fun," I tease.

"That's not what I was thinking, Calliope," Arizona squeals, smacking me on the arm. I just laugh at her, then give her a quick peck on the lips.

"Let's eat first, then we can go from there," I tell her, then maneuvered over to grab the pizza off the counter.

"So, how's Addison doing with Teddy and the boys?" Arizona asks, taking a bite of her pizza. 

"She seems okay. How's Teddy doing with them now that you're in school?"

"She's exhausted. I talked to her on break this afternoon and she says she's averaging maybe three or four hours. And when she tries to put them down for a nap, they aren't having it," 

"Well, maybe we can get over there sometime this weekend to help her out. I hate that we just abandoned her like that,"

"We didn't just abandon her, Calliope. It's hard to work around our schedules with Tim being gone, you working, and me in school. What about offering her a job at the label? I know that she doesn't have much experience, but it would help her get out of the house. She could even use the daycare,"

"That's not a bad idea. I can talk to her about it. I'm sure we could find something for her. She could work with April in the front or work in the office with Addison," 

After dinner was finished, Arizona went and sat on the couch to finish her reading while I cleaned up the kitchen. She must have had a lot to read because by the time she was finished, it was getting late. So instead of movie night, we decided to cuddle in bed. It didn't take us long before we both fell into a peaceful slumber. 

*Not sure how I feel about this chapter. Let me know your thoughts*

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