Chapter 12

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Arizona's P.O.V:

For the remainder of my time in Seattle, I stayed in my room. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone. Not Tim, nor Teddy. Not even Callie. She tried calling several times, but I just ignored her, then shut my phone off so she wouldn't try to call anymore. When the time came to go back to school, I couldn't be happier. On our way to the airport, Teddy tried to talk to me, but I just shut her down. I didn't want to talk to her about anything that happened between Callie and I.

When we arrived at the airport, she grabbed my duffel out of the trunk and hands it to me.

"Thanks," I say to her.

"Everything will be okay, Zo," she tries to assure me.

"Yeah, whatever," I snap, "I have to go. I'll call you when I land," I turn and walk away, leaving her standing there.

After an easy check in, I walk towards my gate. I found an empty seat near the window and sat down.

"This is the worse vacation ever," I say, letting out a sigh. I try to shut my eyes for a little bit while I waited for my flight to be called. The events from last week played over and over in my mind. I did my best to shake them, but nothing worked. I don't how I could've been so stupid that night. I am never drinking again. I was pulled from my thoughts when the sound of the intercom came on, announcing that my flight was now.

"Thank god," I stood up and grabbed my duffel, then went and stood in line for boarding. Again, the thoughts of New Year's Eve flood my mind once more. I was so deep in thought; I didn't even hear the lady behind me talking to me until I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned my head around, she gave a smile. "I'm sorry miss, but you're up." I give her a small smile then turn my head back around and realized I was next in line. I showed my ticket to the attendant. After scanning it, I made my way through the boarding bridge to board the plane. It only took a few minutes to find my seat. I fastened my seat belt to get ready for takeoff. Letting out a sigh, I leaned my head against my window.

"Can I get you anything before takeoff?" The flight attendant asks. I turned to look at her.

"No. I'm good thanks." I tell her.

She gave me a polite smile, then made her way to the other people on the flight. After everyone was on board, and the flight attendant went over procedures, it was finally time for takeoff. I leaned my ahead against the window again and tried to sleep.

When I finally woke up, we were finally landing. When the plane finally came to stop, I grabbed my duffel from the overhead compartment and made my way to the exit. As I exited my terminal, I flagged down a cab and gave the driver the address on where I needed to be dropped off. It took a little over an hour for us to get to Muncie.

"Here you are miss." He says, pulling up in front of the building of where my dorm was located. I paid him my fare, then exited the car.

When I entered my room, I decided to turn my phone back on. When it finally powered up, I noticed I had 5 texts and two missed calls. Two of the texts were from Teddy telling me she had fun during my visit. The other two texts and two missed calls came from an unknown number, which was the same number that tried to call me the last few days.

Not sure why you haven't been picking up or answering my texts, I just wanted to see if you made it back to school ok. -C

Ok, so I guess you're not answering. I was hoping we could finally talk about what happened New Year's Eve/New Year's Day-C

Call or text me when you get the chance. -C

Since Callie can't seem to take the hint that I don't want to talk to her, I quickly shot her a message text back. PLEASE STOP TEXTING ME!! There's nothing to talk about. We had a great time together. Whatever we remember. We both did something we regret. It's over now. I don't really want to talk about it. -A I sent back. I know that text was a little harsh, but I didn't really care. I honestly didn't feel like talking to her. I may have felt something for her that night, but not anymore. Everyone around me say that sex was supposed to make you complete. I find that nothing but a load of crap. Having sex for the first time, especially when you're drunk doesn't make a person complete, it causes emptiness.

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