Chapter 26

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Callie's P.O.V:

Last night was mine and Arizona's first official date. Even though she was the one who had asked me out, I decided to put together a little surprise for her since it was last minute for both of us. After dinner, we had spent the rest of the night watching movies and snuggling. Even though we've been talking and getting to know each other these last couple of months, I really wanted to try asking her again to move in me. Last time it was brought to her attention, she instantly shot the idea down. It has been stuck in my head for over a week now. When she's not with me, she's all think about. From the moment I get up in the morning, up until I go to bed. Hell, I even have dreams about her. I can barely breathe when she's not with me. I don't know what it is, but I want her with me all the time. I've been drawn to her since that night we met. I can't tell her that because I'm not sure if she feels the same. But I do know that I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to leave for Miami, but the thought of being away from her for the next two weeks really hurts. I wouldn't be able to stand it. So, I decided to pull out my phone and dial her number. After pressing send, I put the phone to my ear waiting for her to answer; it rang a couple times before I heard it connect.

"Hello?" comes that sweet voice I love so much. Here we go


"Hey, Callie. What's up,"

"Not much. Just been thinking about you. So, I have the craziest idea,"

"Oh, yeah, what's that?" She chuckles.

"I'm leaving for Miami for tomorrow for work, and I hoping you would do me the honor of coming with me?"


"Yeah, it's mainly for business. My dad asked me to fly down there to help him with some stuff and I really don't want to be away from you for two weeks. So, I was thinking maybe you'd want to come along to keep me company," Way to be honest.

The line goes silent for a minute. All that could be heard was the sound of her breathing. Then a second later, she finally answers.

"Sure. I'd love to come along. How long did you say the trip was?"

"Two weeks...."

"Wow, two weeks alone with my baby's mom," she says giggling, "and what would we do in them two weeks? Besides working," I may have a few things in mind.

"I don't know, I was thinking we could go to the beach, or we could walk around the town, or both and if you behave yourself, I just may take you out on another date,"

"Another date? Huh, wow, I like the sound of that already,"

"So? Is that a, yes?" I ask her. Please say yes, please say yes.

"It's a definite yes," she says. I did what I could to contain my excitement. Just the thought of being able to spend two weeks alone with the woman I love makes my heart swell.

"Okay, well, our flight leaves at noon. How about spending the night with me tonight then can grab some breakfast before head to the airport?"

"Sounds great. I'll make sure to have everything packed by 6, "

"Great, I'll pick you up after I get off work at 6. I'll see you tonight, babe," Shit! Did I just call her babe?

"See you tonight," she says, then ends the call.

"Yes!" I scream through the sound booth. I throw my phone on the soundboard and jump out of my seat. Doug, not expecting my reaction, nearly falls out of his seat.

"What the fuck, Callie," he asks. I just bust into a fit of giggles.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,"

"It's fine, but what got you all excited? Or do I not even want to know?"

"I asked Arizona to go to Miami with me and she said yes,"

"You're just now asking her," he asks, looking at me confused, "I thought you had asked her,"

"I was going to, but I chickened out," he just shakes his head and laughs.

"I don't understand you, sometimes. Now if you're acting like a schoolgirl, would you mind giving me a hand here?" I pull myself together and help Doug finish up.

The rest of my day had moved by fairly slow. Once 5:30 hit, I couldn't be happier. I was practically skipping out of the studio. After getting in my car and firing the up the engine, I shifted into drive and peeled out of the parking. Here in just a few short minutes it will be just the two of us and I couldn't be happier. We have had moments alone together, but this time, it's different. She and I will be in Miami, alone a hotel room for two straight weeks, well minus the time I have to help my dad with stuff, but all in all, it would be just the two of us.

The excitement continued to grow within me as I pulled into Arizona's driveway. I jumped out of the car and made a beeline for the front door. I rang the bell and waited. It didn't take long for the front door to swing open. Right in front of me, stood Arizona, with a bright dimpled smile on her face.

"Hey, I didn't think you'd ever get here," she says excitedly, "come on in," She stepped aside for me to enter.

"I didn't think this day was ever going to end," I say with a laugh, "I swear, I don't know how many times I have checked the clock," She gives me a soft chuckle and pulls me into a hug. She goes to pull out of our embrace, but before she could move, I pull her close and place a soft kiss on them pink lips.

"Hey, Arizona, I have the rest of your...." Teddy stops, walking into the room, "Okay, hang on, you guys can wait until you get to Miami to do that. I don't need to see it,"

"Then don't look," Arizona responds, then connects her lips with mine again.

"Get a room," Teddy says, covering her face with one hand, then walks further in the room with the rest of Arizona's stuff.

"We will have one soon," Arizona quips again, then turns back to me, then connects her lips with mine once more.

"Gross," Teddy groans, "Here, I have the rest of your stuff. Oh, I also packed condoms for you just in case," Arizona just rolls her eyes at her sister-in-law. She breaks from my hold, then goes to grab her stuff. I watched her whisper something in Teddy's ear. She must have said something funny, because next thing I knew, Teddy was busting into a fit of giggles, with Arizona joining in. I just laugh at the two of them, then grabbed Arizona's bag to take them out to the car.

Once I finished loading up my car, Arizona and Teddy come walking out. I couldn't help smiling at the smile Arizona had on her face. I honestly never thought we would get this far. Just months ago, she was ignoring my texts and my calls, and shut me down when I saw her that day I was with Addison. Now were about to spend two weeks together in one of the best cities in Florida.

"You ready to go, Babe?" I ask her. When she looks at me, then at Teddy, I silently slap myself for using that word again. We haven't put a label on our relationship yet, but here I am, using the word 'babe' like we are.

"Yeah, I'm ready," she says, never correcting me. She flashes me another one of her dimpled smiles, then turns to give Teddy a hug, "I'll see you in a couple of weeks, Teds,"

"Have fun, Zo. But not too much," she chuckles. I help Arizona in the car and move around to the driver's side.

"Callie, make sure you take care of her,"

"Don't worry, I will," I promise her, then climb in behind the wheel.

*Kind of boring, I apologize. This one seems kind of rushed. I had a lot going in the last couple days. But hey, Arizona is off to Miami with Callie for two weeks. How do you think that will go? Let me know your thoughts. Another chapter is in the making. *

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