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Teddy's P.O.V:

After being on the road for nearly 48 hours, we finally pulled into the driveway.

"It's about fucking time we made it." Arizona snaps, getting out of the car. She darts to the back of the car and starts to open the trunk.

"Wow, can you be any more of a bear?" I snap back, "I mean, geez, take it down a notch. If we hadn't had to make all those stops, we would've been home sooner," 

"Oh, so this is my fault? I'm sorry that I had to pee every half-hour. If my kid would stop sitting on my bladder...." She says closing her door.

"Stop shouting, you're going to wake the neighbors. And besides, I haven't told Tim that you're pregnant yet"

"You still haven't told him?"
"No, I figured you would want to be the one to tell him," I say to me.

"I guess I will tell him in the morning or something. Can you help me get my stuff out of the car?"

"Tell me what?" came Tim's voice out of nowhere.

"Nothing," Arizona and I both say together.

"Okay," he says, raising his brow, "girls want some help?"

"Please!" I exclaimed, "Arizona, why don't you go in and lay down. Tim and I can get this,"

"Fine!" she jerks her duffel from the back of the Tucson and heads toward the house.

"What's with her?" Tim asks.

"Don't ask," I tell him, "She's been a damn bear these last 48 hours and I'm about to ring her fucking neck,"

"Oh, come on babe, it can't be that bad," he says, laughing, "she's just tired. You both are,"

"Tim, it is that bad. She's been on one these last two days, and I've about had it with her. She was fine when we started the trip, but's like...I don't know," I say, shaking my head, "Can we just get this stuff inside really quick so I can go grab us and the grumpy animal inside some food?" He starts laughing again, then begins to help me unload Arizona's car.

It didn't take Tim and I very long to get Arizona's stuff inside. We just stacked everything by the front door and reminded ourselves to let Arizona she can just wait until morning to put it away. The rampage she's been on these last twenty hours tells me that we are in for a very long six months.

Arizona's P.O.V:

Laying on my bed, I couldn't help but feel relieved. It felt good to be home. The entire time I was in school, I felt like I couldn't breathe. The workload I took on was so stressful and it felt like a million weights sitting on my chest. Then seemed to have gotten worse when I found out about the baby. But once we pulled into the drive after getting home, I was finally able to breathe. But the entire trip home on top of being twelve weeks pregnant was just draining. I was just dozing off when the sound of my door opening pulled me awake.

"You awake Zona?" Tim asks, poking his head in.

"I am now. What's up?" I ask, sitting up.

"Just wanted to see if you were you hungry? Teddy went to get us some food. She should be back soon,"

"I am a little bit," I tell him, placing a hand on my stomach. Tim enters my room the rest of the way and comes to sit next to me on the bed.

"Long trip?" he asks, putting a hand on my knee.

"You can say that" I tell him, "Look, Tim, there's something you should know,"

"What's going on? Everything okay?"

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