Chapter 3

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"Hey, Arizona, wake up?" I hear Teddy say, giving me a shake.

"Go away," I growl. I rolled over to where my back was now facing her. I grab my pillow and place it over my head to drown out her voice.

"Come on, we have stuff to do today," she tells me, shaking me some more.

"What time is it?" I ask, face still covered.

"It's 7:30, now get up," she continues to shake which starts to aggravate me.

"What's so important that I have to be up so damn early?"

"We have to go dress shopping. I made an appointment with the bridal shop to try on some dresses for the wedding," That really got my attention. I never been a big fan of dresses, so once she said that I shot up so quick, nearly butting heads.

"You never said anything last night about a fucking bridal shop," I snap.

"That's beside the point. If I had said something last night, I know for a fact you wouldn't get up. Now come on, move that ass," she says, patting me on the butt.

"Fine," I toss my pillow to the side and got out of bed, "There better be coffee. God knows I'm going to need all the caffeine I can get today to keep from choking your ass,"

She just shakes her head and laughs.

"No worries, there's plenty out there, Oscar. Tim made a fresh pot as I was coming in to wake you up," She gets up off my bed and heads back out to the kitchen with me on her heals.

"Hey Good Morning, sleepy head," Tim says as we enter the kitchen. He was standing by the counter with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Yeah, Yeah, good morning," I reply, waving my hand at him, "You better not have drunk all the coffee,"

"There's some there. I made a fresh pot just for you," he says to me, "So, what do you ladies have planned for today?"

"Teddy decided that we needed to make a trip to the bridal shop this morning," I snarl, "She knows how I hate wearing dresses, but does she care? Nooo. Apparently, she gets off torturing me," Tim looks at Teddy and they both burst into a fit of laughter, "What?"

"Nothing," Tim laughs some more, "Kind of cute watching you squirm a bit,"

"It's not funny," I huff, "I need to get ready for the torture chamber," I stomp off to get showered and dressed so I can start my day out with Teddy.


"So, tell me about school," Teddy says as were driving to the bridal shop.

"Do I have to? It's Christmas vacation and I'd rather not talk about school right now,"

"Oh, come on Zo. I really want to know. What's it like? Do you share a dorm with someone? Have you made any new friends?"

"No roommate, and my only friend is Alex Karev. We have a couple classes together. But other than that, I don't really talk to anyone. I just stay mostly to myself. And I know what you're going to say, 'it's college, Zo, it's supposed to be the best years of your life. You need to get out and do more, stop being so boring,'"

"What? No, those are your words not mine. I don't think you're boring. I think..."

"Oh please..." I scoff, "You think I'm boring. I have you know; college isn't just about the parties or the fraternities. You go to college so you can get the skills and knowledge you need to build your career. I, myself, want to be able to have a career. And for me to do that, I have to stay focused,"

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